Former U.S. Attorney and current Republican candidate for Attorney General Alice Martin told the Alabama Political Reporter that she applauds the women who came forward with accusations against New York Attorney General Eric Scheiderman and called his conduct “reprehensible.”
“This is another prime example of a politician not practicing what he has been preaching for years,” Martin said. “The victims in this case took years to come forward because of the power of their accuser, but I applaud their decision to come forward. Those in authoritative positions that commit these crimes, or give sanctuary to these men with their knowledge, are reprehensible and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”
Schneiderman resigned after four women alleged physical abuse in a detailed account by The New Yorker.
Three of the women were in consensual sexual relationships with Schneiderman when they were slapped and choked into submission by Schneiderman. Schneiderman threatened the women if they came forward. A fourth is a prominent New York Attorney who claims that when she rejected a romantic overture from Schneiderman that he slapped her so hard across her face that she wanted to cry and it left a mark for a day after the incident.
Republican Attorneys General Association Chairman (RAGA) and Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge said in a statement:
“The allegations against Eric Schneiderman are sickening. With devastating detail, the courageous women involved shared the horror and abuse they endured at the hands of a disturbed monster. I commend these strong women for standing up, speaking out and sharing their stories which will hopefully empower other victims to speak out against violence. These women will be the ones who are remembered, not this sick man. While Schneiderman has resigned as Attorney General of New York, I am hopeful that he will also be held accountable for the violent attacks against his victims.”
Schneiderman denies any wrongdoing, but resigned three hours after the New Yorker article was published.
Martin is running in a crowded field for Attorney General. Current Attorney General Steve Marshall, former Trump Alabama campaign manager Chess Bedsole, and former AG Troy King are all also running in the Republican primary on June 5.
The eventual Republican nominee will face the winner of the Democratic primary on November 6. Chris Christie and Joseph Seigelman are running in the Democratic primary.