Wednesday, Congressman Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) announced in a speech on the House floor that he and 17 of his House colleagues have sent a joint letter urging Attorney General Jeff Sessions (R) to immediately take action to limit Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
“Two years is more than enough time for a competent and thorough prosecutor, backed up by the resources of the FBI and Department of Justice, to do this job. Mueller’s inability to finish the special counsel investigation in a timely manner is damaging America,” Rep. Brooks said. “For emphasis, the alleged Russian Interference and Trump Collusion investigations have taken on the character of an endless political persecution that not only harms Americans’ trust in the justice system but also severely damages and distracts from the ability of a duly elected president to fulfill his duties to the American people.”
“My colleagues and I urge Attorney General Sessions to terminate the investigative phase of Mueller’s authority no later than July 5, 2018, two years after the start of the FBI investigation, and, in the meantime, limit Mueller’s investigation to the public basis for the appointment of a special counsel, alleged Russian election interference and alleged Trump Campaign collusion with Russian election interference,” Brooks said. “While public opinion must not dictate justice, it is important to emphasize that the expansion of Mueller’s work scope goes way beyond the alleged Russian Interference and Trump Collusion that was the public basis for the appointment of a special counsel. Quite frankly, Mueller’s authority should be more limited than his wayward investigation suggests. U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis hit the nail on the head when he told Mueller’s prosecutorial team that ‘We don’t want anyone with unfettered power.’”
Brooks concluded, “Attorney General Sessions recused himself ‘from any existing or future investigations of any matters related in any way to the campaigns for President of the United States.’ The scope limitation request of my colleagues and I does not conflict with Sessions’ recusal because it asks that he direct Mueller to cease investigation of matters that go beyond allegations of Russian Interference and Trump Collusion. For emphasis, matters beyond alleged Russian Interference and Trump Collusion, if any, can and should be treated like any other matter investigated and prosecuted by federal law enforcement officials and the Department of Justice, under the direction of the Attorney General.”
The probe originally was supposed to be investigating whether or not the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government to subvert the 2016 presidential election. Since then the investigation has interviewed a retired porn star about an alleged encounter with Trump in 2006, indicted Paul Manafort over his taxes, and pursued Trump’s attorney. To this point the investigation have produced little evidence that collusion occurred; even though $millions have been spent on this effort.
Congressman Mo Brooks represents Alabama’s Fifth Congressional District.