Thursday, April 26 U.S. Representative Martha Roby, R-Montgomery, said that she, “Is un-apologetically pro-life” at a House Judiciary Committee hearing where she discussed Twitter’s alleged censorship of pro-life views.
During the hearing, U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn, R-Tennessee, shared her personal experience with the issue and explained that she had her pro-life message about fighting the sale of baby body parts stricken from Twitter because the company deemed the comments “inflammatory.”
“The rights we hold as Americans should be upheld whether we are speaking words in an open forum, writing words in a book, or typing words online,” Roby said. “We must uphold the First Amendment and its protections in all aspects of our society. It is appalling to see that the very unborn children who cannot yet speak for themselves have an advocate fighting for them – only to be erased by others. I am proud to be unapologetically pro-life, and I strongly believe that our online platforms must be neutral public forms that will allow us to continue to speak out for the unborn.”
“I want to thank Chairman Goodlatte for calling this hearing and also being open with the type of witnesses and testimony here before the Committee on this very important issue that we must get right,” Roby said. “I am so glad my friend and our colleague Representative Marsha Blackburn had the opportunity to come before our Committee today and discuss her own personal experience as well as her work here in Congress to be an advocate for an open and fair internet. As Representative Blackburn explained, she had her pro-life message about fighting the disgusting practice of the sale of baby body parts stricken from Twitter because it was deemed “inflammatory” and would cause a negative response.”
“It is appalling to see that the very unborn children who cannot yet speak for themselves have an advocate fighting for them – to only be erased by others,” Roby said.
In October, Twitter took down a Blackburn video about her investigation of Planned Parenthood and its sell of baby body parts from aborted children.
“This is urgent. I’m being censored for telling the truth,” Blackburn wrote. “Twitter has shut down my announcement video advertising. Silicon Valley elites are trying to impose their values on us. When I talked about our legislative accomplishments to stop the sale of baby body parts, they responded by calling our ad ‘inflammatory’ and ‘negative.’”
Blackburn is running for U.S. Senate to replace the retiring Bob Corker. Vice President Mike Pence endorsed Blackburn last week.
Roby is seeking a fifth term representing Alabama’s 2nd Congressional District. The Republican primary is on June 5.