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Hightower releases medical records, calls on all gubernatorial candidates to do the same

State Sen. Bill Hightower, a GOP gubernatorial candidate challenging Gov. Kay Ivey, released his medical records last week and called on all of the other gubernatorial candidates to do the same.

Hightower, 58, released 15 pages of his medical records and memos from his doctors that show Hightower in what his doctor said was a state of “excellent physical health.” The documents included results from a routine colonoscopy, a cardiac calcium scan, a heart stress test and a blood panel.

“While under my care Mr. Hightower has undergone a number of tests resulting in acceptable/normal ranges,” said Dr. Gamil S. Dawood, Hightower’s primary care doctor. “These tests did not indicate or raise any concerns about Mr. Hightower’s health.”

The colonoscopy included in the documents released last week showed no abnormalities, the blood panel showed no problems and a normal cholesterol level and the ECG stress test showed normal results. His calcium levels put him at low risk of developing atherosclerosis, his doctor said.

“I am releasing my medical records because I believe the voters of Alabama have a right to know that the candidates they are voting for not only have the right experience and vision, but the physical ability to lead,” Hightower said.

Vitals from a 2016 assessment showed Hightower’s weight to be at a healthy level of 190 pounds, his height at 71.5 inches and his body mass index at 26.13, the lower range of overweight.

Hightower is running against Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle, Ivey and Birmingham evangelist Scott Dawson. Ivey, who is now 73, is considered the leading candidate and has raised the most contributions for her campaign.

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Despite numerous invitations, Ivey, the oldest candidate in the race, has refused to publicly debate the other GOP candidates for governor.

While none of the candidates have publicly questioned Ivey’s health, Hightower said last week that all of the candidates in the race should release their medical records. The sharing of medical records is not abnormal in high-profile political races. Presidential candidates often share their medical records, and the press is typically briefed on the president’s medical condition.

“The job of Governor is a physically demanding role and there is much work to do,” Hightower said. “It is critical that our next Governor has the stamina to meet the needs of the people of this state, and I urge my fellow candidates to join me in providing the voters with the information necessary for them to make a decision this June.”


Chip Brownlee is a former political reporter, online content manager and webmaster at the Alabama Political Reporter. He is now a reporter at The Trace, a non-profit newsroom covering guns in America.

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