Wednesday, BamaCarry announced that its membership has endorsed State Representative Will Ainsworth, R – Guntersville, for lieutenant governor.
“Throughout his time in the Alabama Legislature and in every vote he has cast, Will Ainsworth has proven to be a staunch defender of the Second Amendment and a strong supporter of gun rights for citizens across the state,” BamaCarry organizer Bruce Wade said. “Will Ainsworth understands that gun free zones put law-abiding citizens in danger, and his plan allowing teachers to voluntarily carry firearms is the only proposal that will defend our classrooms and protect our children.”
Ainsworth said he was grateful for the group’s endorsement and will continue to fight to protect the gun rights of all law-abiding Alabamians if he is elected lieutenant governor.
“As a lifelong hunter, sportsman, and gun owner, I understand that the Second Amendment needs to be reinforced and protected, not rolled back and weakened,” Ainsworth said. “I also understand that our children’s classrooms will remain vulnerable to attack until we give teachers the ability to defend their students with something more lethal than a ruler and a No. 2 pencil.”
BamaCarry’s statewide umbrella group has dues-paying members in every portion of Alabama and has also established individual chapters in 35 of the state’s 67 counties.
The group’s stated mission is to “educate and inform citizens concerning their rights protected by the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of Alabama.”
Elected to the Legislature in 2014, Ainsworth currently represents Alabama’s House District 27, which includes portions of Marshall, DeKalb and Blount counties.
Ainsworth is the operater of Dream Ranch, one of the premiere hunting and fishing lodges in Alabama. He is also the founder of the Tennessee Valley Hunting and Fishing Expo. which draws more than 20,000 attendees annually and is one of the largest trade shows of its kind in the southeast.
Ainsworth is running against Public Service Commission President Twinkle Cavanaugh and State Senator Rusty Glover in the Republican primary on June 5.
The winner of the GOP primary will face pastor Dr. Will Boyd in the November general election.