Tuesday, the Alabama House of Representatives voted for a bill to create a lifetime state duck hunting stamp. The state already sells lifetime hunting licenses, but Senate Bill 9 will allow hunters to buy a lifetime stamp for ducks. The hunter will still have to buy the annual federal stamps.
Senate Bill nine was sponsored by Sen. Tim Melson, R-Florence, and carried on the floor of the House of State Rep. Danny Crawford, R-Athens.
A duck hunter himself, state Rep. Will Ainsworth, R-Guntersville, thanked Crawford for bringing the bill and said it was a great piece of legislation.
Rep. Reed Ingram, R-Montgomery, brought a floor amendment to add a $25 charge for wetland habitat. Crawford said that the state duck stamp is $10 a year.
Crawford said we have seen a decline in hunting and this state’s economy is dependent on hunting.
SB9, as enacted, sets the cost of a lifetime waterfowl stamp at $130 for a child less than two years old. A child between 2 and 11 years old can get a lifetime state duck stamp for $170. A lifetime state stamp for persons 12 years to 49 years sells for $210. Persons age 50 and above can buy a lifetime waterfowl stamp for $130.
The stamp fee provided in this subsection may be subject to periodic adjustments by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources upon approval of the commissioner based on increases in the Consumer Price Index in the same manner as other fishing and hunting licenses and fees are adjusted.
In addition to the license fee provided there shall be a twenty dollar issuance fee collected and deposited in the State Treasury to the credit of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for the development of waterfowl habitat. The judge of probate, or issuing officer, or other authorized license agents shall be allowed a fee of one dollar for each license issued.
Hunters will still have to purchase federal waterfowl stamps.
The Senate concurred with the changes that the House made to SB9 and the bill has gone to Gov. Kay Ivey for her consideration.