Alabama Republican Party Chairman Terry Lathan on Friday praised the Alabama Republican Caucus’ results during the 2018 Legislative session.
“We are proud that our Alabama Republican legislators worked so well together this session to pass legislation that will greatly benefit our state,” Lathan said. “We are thankful for Governor Ivey’s leadership in partnering with our Legislature to make sure our state reaches its maximum potential. From historic middle-class tax cuts to teacher pay raises, our Republican legislators have worked hard to improve the quality of life for countless Alabamians.”
Lathan praised that Alabama Republicans led the way to pass the following pieces of legislation:
- The first tax cut for middle-class Alabamians since 2008.
- The largest state education budget since 2006.
- A 2.5 percent pay raise for teachers.
- The first state employee pay raise in a decade.
- The Parks for Patriots Act, which welcomes Alabama veterans to state parks for no charge.
- The Alabama Rural Broadband Act, which expands broadband services in rural Alabama.
- The Alabama Data Breach Notification Act, which requires private companies and state agencies to report data breaches to consumers.
- The Alabama School of Cyber Technology and Engineering – announced by Gov. Ivey in her State of the State address – to be built in Huntsville.
- The 2019 Alabama State Budget, which: “increases funds for prisons and state troopers, and protects taxpayers by avoiding any new taxes.”
“These legislative acts are an example of the many reasons we must keep a Republican majority in the state house and senate,” Lathan said. “Alabama voters will remember lower taxes, technology advances, better education and fiscally conservative budgets when they head to the polls this November. We look forward to watching our GOP team continue to serve our citizens as they strive to make our state a better place to live and call home. As we close this chapter of 2018 and journey toward a busy election season, we will keep our vision clear and move ahead with a determination to be a party of purpose and strength.”
The Alabama Republican Party won control of super majorities in both Houses of the Alabama Legislature in 2010. In that time, the Republican-controlled Legislature has been able to avoid any major tax increases. Republican Caucus members are enthusiastic about their chances of protecting their control of both Houses of the Legislature ahead of the 2018 elections in November.