By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Farm PAC, a political action committee of the Alabama Farmers Federation, announced their endorsements for the 2018 primary election for three key statewide races.
FarmPAC spokesman Jeff Helms wrote that the endorsements followed a full day of meetings, during which Republican and Democratic candidates for statewide office met with Federation county leaders from across the state. Each candidate was given ten minutes to address the more than 80 FarmPAC Advisory Trustees and answered questions on issues ranging from taxes and regulation to judicial philosophy and traditional values.
“This meeting is one of the most important we hold,” said Federation President Jimmy Parnell. “I’ve been told by candidates the auditorium where FarmPAC meets is one of the most intimidating rooms in Alabama — not because of our leaders’ attitudes, but because they represent some of the most influential and active people in the state.”
Almost a dozen people are running for governor, but FarmPAC determined that they wanted Kay Ivey to remain in the office. After Gov. Robert Bentley resigned last April, Lt. Gov. Ivey rose to the position.
For Lieutenant Governor the farmers’ choice was Will Ainsworth, whose family farm is in North Alabama. Ainsworth is a state representative and is the owner of Dream Ranch, a premier southern game ranch.
“We are grateful to have the endorsement of the Alabama Farmers Federation,” Ainsworth said. “As Lieutenant Governor, I look forward to being an advocate for farmers across the great state of Alabama.”
For Alabama Attorney General FarmPAC chose former U.S. Attorney Alice Martin. Martin has a reputation from her time with the Justice Department and as Deputy AG as the premier corruption fighter in the state. Apparently the farmers believe that the endemic corruption in this state is holding us back and are backing Martin.
While the Farmers interviewed statewide candidates from both parties, all of their statewide endorsements for 2018 went to Republicans. The other endorsements include:
- Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries — Rick Pate
- Secretary of State — John Merrill
- State Treasurer — John McMillan
- State Auditor — Jim Zeigler
- Alabama Supreme Court, Chief Justice — Lyn Stuart
- Alabama Supreme Court, Place 1 — Brad Mendheim
- Alabama Supreme Court, Place 2 — Tommy Bryan
- Alabama Supreme Court, Place 3 — Will Sellers
- Alabama Supreme Court, Place 4 — Jay Mitchell
- Alabama Court of Civil Appeals, Place 1 — Christy Edwards
- Alabama Court of Civil Appeals, Place 2 — Terri Thomas
- Alabama Court of Civil Appeals, Place 3 — Terry Moore
- Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 1 — Richard Minor
- Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 2 — Chris McCool
- Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 3 — Bill Cole
County Federation leaders also have met with candidates for the Alabama Legislature and Alabama State Board of Education. Endorsements in those races are being announced locally and will be included in the Federation’s June edition of Neighbors magazine.