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Sonny Steen qualifies officially for judgeship in Etowah County

Symbol of law and justice in the empty courtroom, law and justice concept.

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

Attorney Sonny Steen officially qualified Monday for the office of Circuit Judge, Place 3, in Etowah County, as a Republican.

“I look forward to continue campaigning across the county over the coming months,” Steen said. “It is my desire to meet and talk with as many citizens as possible so that I can earn their support and vote.”

Steen said that he believes that he has the right experience to effectively serve as Circuit Judge for Place 3.

Steen said that he believes our families deserve someone on the bench who is ready from day one and can provide them with relief through timely, sound and efficient decisions.

Steen has over 11 years of legal experience in Etowah County and has a wide array of legal experience including having represented people in civil jury trials, property disputes, contract disputes, social security, employment law, family law, child support, criminal defense and all other areas of the law that a circuit judge must be familiar with.

Steen’s campaign said that he has the legal courage and integrity, along with the willingness to do what the law would require him to do as Circuit Judge, even though the course may not be the popular one. Steen says that his integrity, along with his respect for the law, would prevent him from being influenced by the identity, race, gender, political status, wealth or relationship of any party or lawyer before him.

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Sonny Steen has a 2001 Bachelor’s degree from Jacksonville State University and a 2005 degree from Mississippi College of Law.

Steen is married to Emmy Steen, and together they have two children. The Steens attend Meadowbrook Baptist Church in Gadsden.

The major party primaries will be on June 5, 2018.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.


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