By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Beverly Nelson, one of the women accusing GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore, admitted to ABC News Good Morning America that she wrote the notes below Moore’s signature in her yearbook.
The yearbook had been introduced by Nelson as corroborating evidence that Moore attempted to sexually assault her when she was a 16-year-old waitress at Gadsden’s Olde Hickory House.
“Nelson admits she did make notes to the inscription,” ABC News reported. “But the message was all Roy Moore.”
“Beverly, he signed your yearbook,” ABC News reporter Tom Llamas says.
“He did sign it,” she replied.
“And you made some notes underneath.”
“Yes,” Nelson said.
She admitted to altering the document on television after critic’s, including the Alabama Political Reporter’s Susan Britt, had pointed out that the font was different that what was being used in the other salutation and that it appeared to be feminine.
The signature itself appears to be Moore’s; but there is a small D.A. behind Moore’s signature. Moore’s accusers claim that the D.A. stands for District Attorney, since Moore worked in the D.A.s office; but Moore had not been in the D.A.’s office a year yet in December of 1977. He was a new attorney only recently out of the University of Alabama School of Law. He was the deputy district attorney. Moore’s defenders point out that deputy sheriffs never sign that they are the sheriff and assistant D.A.s and deputy D.A.s aren’t going to sign that they are the District Attorney.
Years later Moore was appointed to a judgeship by then Alabama Gov. Guy Hunt. As a judge, he has a signature stamp for all the papers that a judge signs off on. His assistant was Ms. Delberta Adams, D.A. Adams has come forward and testified that the little D.A. are her initials and they appeared on the stamp that she used to stamp Moore’s signature on documents that came before the judge’s office.
Moore’s defenders claim that Moore’s signature was copied from the divorce papers, making the yearbook inscription years younger than the yearbook.
Nelson admits to writing the description below Judge Moore’s signature; but insists that is Moore’s, then Roy Moore deputy district attorney, signature. We have not found any other example of Roy Moore as deputy district attorney, signing his name as Roy Moore D.A. The Moore campaign has demanded that Nelson provide the year book to an independent third party handwriting expert for analysis, particularly of the ink to determine whether this inscription and signature is forty years old or four weeks old. Nelson and her attorney, Gloria Allred have refused, making the yearbook’s authenticity doubtful at best.
Moore denies ever attempting to sexually assault Miss. Nelson, denies ever signing her yearbook and denies ever mistreating any woman.
Some legal experts argue that forging the yearbook signature with the intent to defraud the voters would be a felony offense in Alabama. If, Allred is competent as an attorney she certainly is not going to expose her client to that by risking a handwriting expert finding evidence that Nelson has committed fraud.
The Moore campaign pounced on these revelations.
The Chairman for the Moore Campaign Bill Armistead hosted a press conference with key spokesmen Philip Jauregui, Ben DuPre, and Janet Porter to highlight the fact that the only corroborating physical evidence of any of these tales have been proven to have been tampered with and arguably forged.
“This campaign has been tough, and there have been an unprecedented number of lies and untruths thrown around on this campaign, but today, the truth has set Judge Roy Moore free,” Armistead said. “Judge Moore has 40 years of very public service without a hint of scandal, and today, his record of character will be preserved.”
“Just as we declared weeks ago, this inscription is a fake,” Moore’s Attorney Philip Jauregui declared. “It is the only shred of evidence that has been offered to support the allegations against Judge Moore. What Gloria Allred has admitted today is that her client lied, her evidence is a forgery, but that is not going to stop their campaign against Judge Moore.”
‘’s Charles Johnson is reporting that this storyline of allegations against Judge Moore was revealed to have been planted with ‘Washington Post’ reporter Beth Reinhard by a key Republican operative close to the Washington establishment and Senate leadership: Tim Miller, who is a former Jeb Bush staffer and a prominent “Never Trump” Republican. Reinhard formerly was a ‘Wall-Street Journal’ reported embedded in the Jeb Bush for President campaign, where she likely interacted with Miller, then Jeb’s 2016 communications director.
Miller told Breitbart News, “I had no involvement in pitching the Washington Post story or any others where women spoke out about Judge Moore. Moore allies have tried to pitch this to 10+ outlets, conservative and mainstream, who have all rejected the story after examining the facts because there is no truth to it.”
Moore repeatedly denouncing Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and said that he would never vote for McConnell as majority leader.
“Judge Roy Moore’s only crime on this campaign is that he has been unwilling to play ball with the Washington insiders,” Armistead said. “He will win next Tuesday and be Alabama’s next US Senator.”
Moore faces Clinton-era U.S. Attorney Doug Jones on Tuesday.
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