By Josh Moon
Alabama Political Reporter
It’s the gays.
That’s who’s causing all this trouble for poor ol’ Roy Moore. Making up all of these dadgum phony allegations against him.
Or maybe it’s the “transgender mafia,” as one Moore surrogate proclaimed out loud and with a straight face recently.
Or it could be the mainstream media.
I bet that’s it. The media. Those guys will say just about anything … that’s supported by facts and accurate reporting.
Or maybe it’s just The Washington Post.
Like Steve Bannon said, first they released the “Access Hollywood” tape that hurt Trump, now they’ve got these women making claims of inappropriate behavior by Moore. Yeah, sure, those things are all true, thoroughly fact checked and not even slightly debunked by anyone, but, well, I think you see the obvious.
Or maybe it’s the Democratic Party.
They’re so organized, especially in Alabama, that they could pull off this elaborate scam so perfectly that no one would suspect that it’s a political hit job. Hahahahaha.
Or maybe it’s the Republican establishment.
Yeah, definitely, that’s who did this. The Republican establishment is definitely the people behind this attack of Roy Moore, because they’re scared of Moore’s morals. But that might not be true, since the one thing I know for certain is that no one is scared that Roy Moore is too moral.
Or maybe it’s the drug dealers, as claimed in a totally-not-planted story on some totally-not-fake-news website called “One America News Network.”
Actually, you know what? I bet Moore surrogate Janet Porter was right when she told Anderson Cooper on Wednesday evening that it’s a mob filled with all of the above that’s after Moore.
That’s right. A mob of gay, transgender, Republican, Democratic, drug-dealing reporters from the Washington Post.
That’s some mob.
And that’s some line of bull.
Take a long, hard look at the absurd amount of ridiculous things that have been pushed by the Moore campaign in an attempt to discredit the women who have accused him of inappropriate behavior. The mental contortions you have to perform to believe any one of these things could land you in the center of P.T. Barnum’s three rings.
It’s time to stop this nonsense.
If you’re still supporting Moore, it’s because you want to and there’s absolutely nothing anyone — including Moore himself — could do or say to dissuade you from that support.
Stop this other excuse making, because it’s stupid, hurtful to the women who are victims and embarrassing to everyone involved.
Especially now. It’s been a month since the first allegations against Moore dropped in the Washington Post. That story, along with subsequent stories, was filled with specifics and dates and details of encounters. And yet, there has not been one successful attempt by the Moore campaign to challenge any of the key facts.
Not one date has been wrong. Not one location has been wrong. Not one detail has been wrong.
Either they’re telling the truth or they’re some of the luckiest liars on the face of the earth.
If you don’t want to believe them, fine. That’s your right. And because these cases will never go to court, you’ll never be proven wrong.
But stop trying to justify your support of Moore through ridiculous conspiracy claims. Just admit that he’s wearing your team’s jersey in this race and you really don’t care if he spends his free time kicking puppies and punching babies so long as he promises to vote with the Republicans.