By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Tuscaloosa Mayor and Democratic candidate for governor Walt Maddox announced that he is campaigning for Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate Doug Jones.
“We Need Doug in the U.S. Senate,” Maddox announced.
Maddox, who is running for Alabama governor in 2018, announced that he will spend the next seven days campaigning for Jones, saying that Jones represents the change we need in Washington to help Alabama families.
“Our state is at a turning point,” Maddox said. “On Tuesday, December 12th we can elect Doug Jones and prove to the country that Alabama is ready for new leadership.”
In the next seven days leading up to the election, Maddox will be speaking in Birmingham, Dothan, West Alabama, and Montgomery.
Mayor Maddox said that he believes in the values that Doug represents and believes Doug can restore ethical leadership in Washington, a kind of leadership that represents the interests of all Alabamians, not just special interests.
“Doug comes from a family of steelworkers and miners, and he understands the kitchen table issues that impact working families,” Maddox said.” Doug will bring those Alabama values and that kind of honesty and integrity to Washington, where it is needed the most. We need that change more than ever.”
Maddox is serving his fourth term as Tuscaloosa’s 36th Mayor. He has been nationally recognized for his crisis management after April 27, 2011, when an EF-4 tornado destroyed 12.5 percent of Tuscaloosa.
Maddox announced that he is running for Governor of the state of Alabama as a Democrat. Walt is married to Stephanie and they have two children.
LGBT activist Chris Countryman and former Supreme Court Chief Justice Sue Bell Cobb are also running for the 2018 Democratic nomination for governor.
No Democrat has won a statewide race for governor of Alabama since 1998, Don Siegelman. No Democrat has won a statewide race for U.S. Senate in Alabama since 1992, Richard Shelby – Shelby changed parties two years later in 1994.
“Democrats Say that Can turn a Red State Blue in Alabama,” The Democratic National Committee in a fundraising email said on Tuesday. “Chip in to Help Elect Doug Jones and Democrats Nationwide. If we go all-in for Doug Jones, we can turn a red state blue and send a loud message to Trump and the GOP. But we need grassroots supporters like you to have Doug’s back.”
Doug Jones faces former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore next Tuesday in the special election for the seat formerly held by Jeff Sessions.