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Moore promises to support any cut to the federal income, corporate tax rates

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

U.S. Senate Candidate Judge Roy Moore announced that he supports President Donald Trump’s effort to pass the largest tax reform package since 1986.

“As your next United States Senator, I will support any cut to the federal income tax on individuals and on corporations,” Moore said. “The federal government has grown too large and we have given bureaucrats and politicians too much power over our economy and our small businesses.”

“I support President Trump’s effort to bring tax relief to America the people of America, and while I support any kind of tax cut, I will work to make the senate’s cuts even larger,” Moore continued. “In fact, this initial effort to cut taxes should be the first step towards achieving either a 15% across the board flat tax for both individuals and corporations or a national consumption tax, also known as the Fair Tax, which would tax individuals and corporations on what they spend rather than on what they earn.”

“The establishment Republican leadership is once again disappointing Americans by playing on the fringes of reform,” Moore concluded. ‘For America’s economy to be great again, we must be aggressive, without regard for the whining of the left who constantly affirm the federal government as their god.”

During the Republican primary, Moore said that he preferred moving to a tax on consumption, the Fair Tax rather that simply cutting rates; but that he would support the Flat Tax or any tax reform plan that cuts tax rates and simplifies the current system.

Also on Thursday, the Moore Campaign asked Doug Jones the first in a series of 12 Christmas questions.  “Christmas Question #1: Will Doug Jones support tax cuts as a Christmas gift for Alabama’s families, or will he be the Grinch?”

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The Moore campaign said in a release: “According to a recent news article, the Jones campaign declined to answer questions about whether Jones would support raising taxes and how he would pay for the programs he champions.  Given the importance of tax relief, we’d like to put forth the question again: Doug Jones, what kind of tax relief will you support?”

On Thursday, Trump was in Missouri campaigning for passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which has passed the House of Representatives and is now awaiting action in the U.S. Senate.

“Under our plan, middle-class families will not only see their tax bill go down, they will see their incomes go up by an average of around $4,000,” Trumps said. “And that’s because we’re going to cut taxes on American businesses so they will compete for workers, they’ll raise salaries. The business is going to be happy and the workers are going to be happy and the country is going to be a happy place.”

“We want a tax code that is simple and fair, and that’s for all Americans,” Trump continued.  “The plan that senators will be voting on this week — hopefully as soon as possible — closes the loopholes that corporations use to shift their profits to tax havens, and it eliminates deductions for CEO salaries over $1 million.”

A number of recent polls show that Moore is leading Jones by between five and seven percentage points, despite an unprecedented main stream media assault on Moore’s character and no support at all for Moore from any of the Washington GOP Establishment.

The Republican National Committee has actually pulled all of its resources out of Alabama.  Still Moore has been rebuilding much of his lead in the polls since a Washington Post article was published alleging that Moore may have undressed a fourteen year old girl, Leah Korfman, down to her underwear back in 1979.  Moore has denied that and other claims that have come forward since then.

The special election for the Senate seat vacated when Jeff Sessions became U.S. attorney general will be on Dec. 12.

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Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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