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Roy Moore says he is fighting a spiritual battle

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore was campaigning to a full house of over 230 in the town hall of Henager, Alabama, in rural DeKalb County.  At least 50 journalists and news media were also on hand both inside and outside the building.

Roy Moore said, “There is fourteen days left to the general election.  We are very exciting.  It has been a long and enduring campaign and grueling at times.   We have been looking for the end for a while.  Thank you for taking time out from your busy schedules to hear about the campaign.  We are working very hard.  We have been going to meetings and having private meetings.  We have been doing all the campaign stuff and got several events this week again and are going to be very busy on the campaign trail.”

“This campaign has been rather strange, rather odd, very unusual,” former Chief Justice Moore said. “It is a special election. It had to be called because there was a vacancy created when Donald Trump appointed Jeff Sessions after he became President.  A special election had to be called.  We went through a big rigamaro over that, but they finally set a special election and they set it as a very strange time December 12 as the general election.  We have been through a primary with eight or nine candidates. I think one dropped out. Then there was a primary runoff.  A runoff that was highly touted.  This is a special election, “But it is very important because it precedes a general election for the U.S. Senate.  For some reason in Washington this is seen as very important. It is important because they know that there is an established group in Washington that do not want change.  They want people who will follow along like they have done and not pass President Trump’s agenda.  Not look at them.”

“This election has been very contested nationally,” Moore said.  “Lots of money has been spent on this election, in the primary runoff alone over $30 million has been spent on one candidate.  Over $30 million.  That is a lot of money.  We did not raise near that amount of money but we were victorious.”

“I am opposed by the Establishment, of both the Democrats and the Republicans. They don’t want me as a Senator,” Moore said.  “CNN put it out best on July 2 2017 when they wrote that the Alabama Senate Race is a test case for the GOP divide.  They said that the Republican Establishment is in near panic mode because their establishment favorite is trailing, this was written during the primary. McConnell, who has a narrow 52 to 48 majority, has made it clear that he does not want a conservative rebel in a GOP Caucus already difficult to manage.  They are aware of my past.  They know that I am difficult to manage.  That means that I have my own mind.  They want to do what they have been doing for 50 years and not get anything done.”

“We have seen false and negative attacks by the both the Republican and now the Democrats establishment,” Moore said.  “My wife has been attacked, I have been attacked, my son has been attacked.  My Foundation for Moral Law has been attacked.”  They said I took a million dollars.  I didn’t take a million dollars. They finally acknowledged that I didn’t get a million dollars; but said that I should have been paid a million dollars but, they did not pay me because they did not have it but said you should have paid taxes on it.  That is how ridiculous it has got.

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“Two and a half weeks ago they have accused me of sexual misconduct,” Moore said. “This hurts me personally; because besides my wife, and my mother, and my only daughter I have five granddaughters.  This hurts me that people would attack my character likes that after 40 years of service to this state and community and 50 if you count my military service.  In all that time never once has this been alleged. And there have been numerous investigations.  I have been investigated by the District Attorney, the Judicial Inquiry Commission, and four times in opposition research statewide and twice in local elections.  Never once has it been brought up.  When the Judicial Inquiry Commission investigated me in 1996; they asked all the attorneys in Etowah County if I had ever done anything wrong.  This went on for a year and a half until I filed suit and it went to the Alabama Supreme Court. Now my opponent has pictures of young children appear conveniently on his commercials.”

“I do not know any of these women and I have never engaged in sexual misconduct with any woman,” Moore said. “As a former Judge and prosecutor I know the seriousness of these charges. I have met many victims of sexual abuse over the years, And I have not seen one who wanted her picture posted on national TV especially in political ads.”

“This is dirty politics,” Moore said.  “A sign of the immorality of our times. This is just the sign of the times in which we live.  Politicians will stop at nothing to win an election. My opponent is collecting a $million every four days. This is extravagant. Politicians will stop at nothing. They will publish false polls which they are doing today. They are trying to hide the true issues.”

Moore compared the accusations against him to the Russian investigation of President Donald Trump.

“They are taking attention away from the Senate and from the Congress who can’t pass legislation,” Moore said. “The people of this country want movement they don’t want false attacks like this, which is exactly what is happening in this case. They don’t want my opponents issues revealed how he stands on these issues.”

Moore said that Jones’s views are “Completely contrary to the people of this state and country.”

Moore read a Doug Jones quote from “The Economist” where the candidate would not commit to protecting the culture of the people of Alabama.  Moore “translated” Jones answer:  “Let me put some translation on this  if your Christian culture does not accept abortion, sodomy, transgender rights; your rights will not be protected.”

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Moore said that he believes what the Bible says. Moore said that there are vast differences between he and his opponent that the people of Alabama need to be aware of.

“He would not have voted for Jeff Session,” Moore said. “I am for the complete repeal Obamacare.”

Moore said that he wants open insurance selling across state lines by repealing the McCarren Ferguson Act.

“He wants to enlarge Obamacare which has already been proven to be a failure,” Moore said. “I know the military.  I served in the military and I know how to strengthen the military and that is not by opposing President Trump’s ban on transgender troops in the military.  I will support the Raise act.”

Moore said that he would reduce the number of immigrants coming into the country while his opponent would continue the liberal immigration policy that we have now.

“I will not fund Planned Parenthood.”  Moore called Roe v. Wade, “An unconstitutional decision just like Dred Scott.”

Moore said that Jones was appointed by President Bill Clinton and was a delegate for Obama.  “I opposed both Obama and Clinton.”

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Moore said that he has faced spiritual battles before; but that “This has been a big one because I have faced things here that I have never faced in my life.”

“I have not run one negative ad but I am going to take off the gloves and tell the truth in this campaign,” Judge Moore said.

“I have vowed to take my knowledge of the Constitution and of the God on which it is founded to Washington and they do not want to hear it,” Moore said.

Moore said, I have fought in war. I fought in the political arena.  “Now I am fighting a spiritual battle.”

The special general election between former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court Moore and Clinton-era U.S. Attorney Doug Jones will be on Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2017.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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House District 11 encompasses parts of Cullman and Blount Counties.


Rep. Randall Shedd resigned from the seat on Feb. 17, leading Gov. Kay Ivey to call a special election for the position.

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