By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Today is the last day to register to vote and be able to participate in the December Special Election for U.S. Senate.
The Alabama Republican Party said on social media: “Make sure you’re registered to vote in the upcoming Alabama U.S. Senate Election. Registration ends on Monday, 11.27.17”
Republican Roy Moore faces Democrat Doug Jones for the seat vacated by Jeff Sessions when he was confirmed as U.S. attorney general.
Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill said in a statement, “Alabama voters will come together on December 12, 2017, to elect the next United States Senator from Alabama. The deadline to register to vote in person is by the close of business at your county board of registrars’ office (typically 5:00 p.m.), online by 11:59 p.m. or postmarked by November 27, 2017.”
“Voters are reminded that it does not matter how they voted during the primary or primary-runoff election,” Sec. Merrill said. “In the General Election on December 12, all registered voters in Alabama may vote for the candidate of their choice.”
“Additionally, the deadline to apply for an absentee ballot is Thursday, December 7, 2017. And, the deadline to return an absentee ballot is Monday, December 11, 2017,” Merrill said.
Remember that you must have a valid photo ID to participate in the voting process in Alabama. The state of Alabama does not allow people without photo ID to vote, typically. You also need it to register.
Forms of photo ID accepted at the polls are any of the following valid documents: driver’s license; Alabama photo voter ID card; State issued ID (any state); federal issued ID; US passport; employee ID from Federal Government, State of Alabama, County, Municipality, Board, or other entity of this state; student or employee ID from a public or private college or university in the State of Alabama (including postgraduate technical or professional schools); Military ID; or Tribal ID.
Persons without a valid photo ID can get an Alabama photo voter ID card for free from their Board of Registrars.
To apply for the free Alabama photo voter ID, a voter must show: a photo ID document or a non-photo identity document that contains full legal name and date of birth; documentation showing the voter’s date of birth; documentation showing the person is a registered voter; and documentation showing the voter’s name and address as reflected in the voter registration record. A citizen’s name, address, and voter registration status can be verified by the Secretary of State’s Staff, using the statewide voter registration system.
Examples of non-photo ID documents that can be used in applying for a free Alabama photo voter ID card include a birth certificate, marriage record, Social Security Administration document, hospital or nursing home record, Medicare or Medicaid document, or an official school record or transcript.
The polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on election day.
To learn more or to register online go to: