By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Friday, a new poll by Gravis indicates that Doug Jones has surged to the lead in the U.S. Senate race in the aftermath of accusations from several women claiming that Judge Roy Moore may have acted inappropriately with some young ladies on the Gadsden singles’ scene in the 1970s.
The new poll shows 47 percent support for Clinton era U.S. Attorney Doug Jones (D) for Senate. Moore, who has led throughout, has dropped to just 42 percent support. Eleven percent reported that they were now uncertain who they would vote for.
Gravis Marketing surveyed 628 likely voters across Alabama. The poll was conducted from November 14 through November 15 and has a margin of error of ±3.5 percent.
The survey was conducted using interactive voice responses and an online panel of cell phone users.
Participants were also asked: “Will you vote for a Democrat or Republican for the U.S. House of Representatives in 2018?” Only 40 percent answered Democrat. 46 percent answered Republican, and 14 percent are uncertain.
Participants were asked; “How favorable or unfavorable are you toward Roy Moore?” 28 percent answered, “Very favorable.” 14 percent answered, “Somewhat favorable.” Nine percent answered, “Uncertain.” Five percent answered, “Somewhat unfavorable.” 44 percent answered, “Very unfavorable.”
39 percent strongly approve of President Donald J. Trump’s job performance. 12 percent said they somewhat approve. 3 percent are uncertain. 7 percent answered that they somewhat disapprove. 38 percent strongly disapprove.
28 percent have a very favorable view of Doug Jones. 17 percent have a somewhat favorable view. 14 percent are uncertain. 8 percent are somewhat unfavorable, and 33 percent answered very unfavorable.
16 percent answered that what they have heard or read about the accusations makes them more likely to vote. Five percent answered “likely to vote.” 52 percent answered that it had no impact on their likelihood to vote. 27 percent answered that it made them less likely to vote.
Respondents were asked; “Do you believe the Washington Post did the right thing in publishing these accusations?” 43 percent answered, “Yes.” 42 percent answered, “No,” and 15 percent are uncertain.
35 percent answered that they believe these accusations about Roy Moore. 35 percent don’t believe the accusations, and 30 percent answered that they are uncertain.
Polls prior to the Washington Post story showed that Moore was leading Jones by eleven percentage points.
In Birmingham on Thursday, Judge Moore said, “Many of you have recognized that this is an effort by Mitch McConnell and his cronies to steal this election from the people of Alabama.” Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, is the Senate majority leader.
“Our campaign is gaining momentum & supporters from every corner of Alabama,” Doug Jones said on social media on Thursday.
The special election will be on Dec. 12, 2017.