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Shelby County Republican Executive Committee votes unanimously to support Judge Roy Moore

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

Tuesday, the Shelby County Republican Executive Committee met and issued a unanimous resolution supporting Roy Moore for U.S. Senate.

A draft of the resolution was obtained by Alabama Political Reporter prior to the meeting, and it reads:

WHEREAS, on December 12, 2017, voters have the opportunity to elect and send a Republican senator to represent the great state of Alabama in Washington, D.C.

WHEREAS, one of the primary purposes of the Shelby County Republican Party is to promote the election of Republicans to public office,

WHEREAS, on September 26, 2017, Roy Moore won the Republican nomination for Alabama’s U.S. Senate seat,

WHEREAS, Roy Moore has been a consistent proponent of the positions of the Alabama Republican Party, including conservative fiscal policy, pro-life and traditional family values, less government regulations and interference – with an emphasis on personal freedoms,

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THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY the Executive Committee of the Shelby County Republican Party that we will assist and support Roy Moore in his efforts to win the U.S. Senate special election on December 12, 2017, and represent the great state of Alabama,

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY the Executive Committee of the Shelby County Republican Party that we call on Republicans in Alabama to support Roy Moore and defeat the Democrat Party candidate so that our voice in Washington, D.C. will continue to be represented by a Republican who supports the Republican Party principles and platform we hold dear and who will push forward a conservative agenda that is best for the United States of America.

This resolution follows a similar resolution passed on Monday by the Winston County Repubican Party Executive Committee. The resolutions were passed ahead of a potentially contentious Alabama Republican Steering Committee meeting to decide the fate of Roy Moore’s campaign for U.S. Senate.  Shelby County is an increasingly powerful and influential voice among the 67 Republican county organizations; because of its’ ability to consistently deliver a high turnout of Republican votes on election day.

Conservatives are eager for the ALGOP Steering Committee to announce that they are backing the Republican nominee, Judge Roy Moore for Senate; even though the national party would rather that the Alabama Republican Party de-certify Moore as the GOP candidate.

Moore-nemesis Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., called for Moore “to step aside” earlier in the day.

Moore responded on social media: “The person who should step aside is Mitch McConnell. He has failed conservatives and must be replaced! #DrainTheSwamp”

Moore is in the middle of a media firestorm after four women made accusations that they dated Moore in the 1970s as teens while Moore was the Etowah County deputy district attorney.  One of the women claims sexual conduct by Moore when she was 14 (a misdemeanor).  A fifth woman claims she was assaulted by Moore when she was 16.  That is potentially the most serious charges.

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On Tuesday night, Moore was campaigning in Jackson, Alabama, at the Walker Springs Road Baptist Church for a revival service.

The Alabama Republican Party appears to be coalescing behind running Moore as their candidate despite all the heavy criticism coming from the mainstream media and both the Republican establishment in Washington and the Left.

Moore faces Doug Jones in the June 12 Republican Primary.


Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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