By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Thursday, November 9, 2017, businessman Mac Watson announced that he was offering a third option for dissatisfied voters in Alabama Senate Special Election.
“Alabama needs new blood in politics,” Watson said. “Simply going to the polls to ‘vote against the other guy’ is not what our great country was founded on, it is not how our forefathers wanted the power of voting to be used. We don’t need leaders in government. We need people that listen to the people that pay their salaries – citizens. Let’s do something in Alabama in December.”
Watson said, “Politicians seek office and view their positions as guaranteed income, disregarding their constituent’s opinions and concerns until re-election. Mac Watson stands firmly with the belief that a good economy is a cornerstone of a strong society. That starts with a simplified tax plan.”
Clinton era-U.S. Attorney Doug Jones is one of the most extreme candidates ever fielded by the Alabama Democratic Party. He favors keeping Obamacare, opposes protecting the lives of the pre-born. Jones also opposes President Trump’s ban on transgenders in the military and Trump’s lifting of Obama era mandates that schools allow transgendered students to use whichever bathroom they identify with, despite the genetics of their birth.
Former Alabama Supreme Court chief justice is considered “far-right” by most in the Republican Party. He was removed from the Alabama Supreme Court once and suspended for the remainder of his term the next time he was on the court. Moore is highly outspoken in his opposition of the LGBTQ community and his opposition to Obamacare. Now there are sexual misconduct allegations against Moore.
Many moderate Republicans dislike Moore; but don’t want to vote for a progressive like Jones. Watson hope that these voters and the many apathetic voters choose him. Moore said that over 3 million people are registered to vote in Alabama yet under 400,000 people voted for Democratic and Republican front-runners for the open Senate seat. Over 2.9 million registered voters did not cast a vote for either Democrat or Republican parties which will face each other to represent Alabama in the United States Senate.
The Watson Campaign said that with the controversy presently swirling around Republican Roy Moore and Democrat Doug Jones’ out-of-the-mainstream views on abortion, Mac Watson believes Alabama voters deserve another option.
Watson announced his write-in candidacy for U.S. Senate last month. He urges those interested in his candidacy to reach out to him and hopes to win support to promote his word-of-mouth campaign.
Mac Watson is an Alabama small businessman that says he stands on common sense beliefs and believes that a third option for voters will reinvigorate the uninterested almost 3 million voters in Alabama.
“I am a small business owner who decided to get off the sidelines and do something about the current condition of our political system,” Watson said. “I am a Christian and a states’ rights federalist who thinks the federal government has overstepped its bounds in our everyday lives. I am also a family man, with a beautiful wife, Kate, and the greatest dog alive, Young Seymour. I am an Alabamian, hard-working, and proud of my upbringing, family, and community that made me the man I am today.”
Watson will not appear on the ballot. Voters who choose to write in Watson must write-in his name.
Watson said that he feels that security should be tightened at our southern border, improving medical care by focusing on a free market system versus government mandated options, and he believes our country needs to explore new, sustainable, energy through investment and development.
The special election will be on Dec. 12, 2017.