By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Friday, November 3, 2017, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue today announced a slate of Farm Service Agency (FSA) and Rural Development (RD) State Directors. All would be serving as appointees of President Donald Trump.
FSA State Directors help implement U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) policies in planning, organizing, and administering FSA programs in their respective states. They are also responsible for running the day-to-day activities of the state FSA office. Similarly, RD State Directors work to help improve the economy and quality of life in rural America.
“These State Directors will help ensure that USDA is offering the best customer service to our farmers, ranchers, foresters, and agricultural producers across the country,” Secretary Perdue said. “FSA and RD both play a critical role in helping the people of agriculture, and are able to connect with people in their home states. They are the initial points of contact for millions of our USDA customers. Our goal is to help rural America prosper, and these state leaders will be of great assistance in that task.”
In Alabama, Secretary Perdue announced that David McCurdy would serve as State Director of the Farm Service Agency (FSA). David McCurdy began his career with USDA in 1987 and has served in various roles throughout the Farm Service Agency. McCurdy is a third generation farmer. David raises cattle, farms soy beans and corn, and also maintains a small timber operation.
The Rural Development State Director for Alabama will be Chris Beeker. Chris Beeker grew up on a catfish and cattle farm in Greene County. Through his extensive experience of working on the family farm and other business ventures he has firsthand knowledge of the positive and important impacts of USDA programs for all communities and especially rural America.
Beeker is the eldest son of Public Service Commissioner (PSC) Commissioner Chris “Chip” Beeker.
The following is a list of the other FSA State Directors Perdue released today: Alaska: Bryan Scoresby, Arkansas: David Curtis, California: Aubrey Bettencourt, Colorado: Clarice Navarro, Connecticut: Clark Chapin, Florida: Neil Combee, Georgia: Tas Smith, Hawaii: Allen Frenzel, Idaho: Evan Frasure, Illinois: William J. Graff, Indiana: Steve Brown, Iowa: Amanda De Jong, Kansas: David Schemm, Kentucky: Brian Lacefield, Louisiana: Craig McCain, Maine: Dave Lavway, Maryland: Jim Eichhorst, Michigan: Joel Johnson, Minnesota: Joe Martin, Mississippi: Bobby Carson, Missouri: Richard Fordyce, Nebraska: Nancy Johner, Nevada – Janice Kolvet, New Hampshire: Jeffrey Holmes, New Jersey: Barry Calogero, New York: Clark Putman, North Carolina: Len McBride, North Dakota: Brad Thykeson, Ohio: Leonard Hubert, Oklahoma: Scott Biggs, Oregon: Peggy Browne, Pennsylvania: Gary Groves, South Carolina: Boone Peeler, South Dakota: Paul Shubeck, Tennessee: Dennis Beavers, Texas: Gary Six, Utah: Bruce Richeson, Vermont: Wendy Wilton, Virginia: Nivin Elgohary, Washington: Brian Dansel, Wisconsin: Sandra Chalmers, and Wyoming: Lois Van Mark.
The other Rural Development State Directors announced today are: Alaska: Jerry Ward, Arizona: J.C. Sherman III, Arkansas: David Branscum, California: Kim Dolbow Vann, Colorado: Sallie Clark, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island: George Krivda, Delaware and Maryland: Denise Lovelady, Florida: Sydney Gruters, Georgia: Joyce White, Hawaii: Gigi Jones, Idaho: Layne Bangerter, Illinois: Douglas Wilson, Indiana: Michael Reed Dora, Iowa: Annette Sweeney, Kansas: Lynne Hinrichsen, Kentucky: Hilda Legg, Louisiana: Dr. Carrie Castille, Maine: Tim Hobbs, Michigan: Jason Allen, Minnesota: Brad Finstad, Mississippi: John Rounsaville, Missouri: Jeff Case, Montana: Charles Robison, Nebraska: Karl Elmshaeuser, Nevada: Philip Cowee, New Hampshire: Anthony Lindaros, North Carolina: Bob Chandler, North Dakota: Clare Carlson, Ohio: Dave Hall, Oklahoma: Lee Denney, Oregon: John Huffman, Pennsylvania: Curt Coccodrilli, South Carolina: Debbie S. Turbeville, South Dakota: Julie Gross, Tennessee: Jim Tracy, Texas: Edd Hargett, Utah: Randy Parker, Virginia: Elizabeth Walker Green, Washington: Kirk Pearson, West Virginia: Kris Warner, Wisconsin: Frank Frassetto, and Wyoming: Chad Rupe.
None of these appointees have to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate because they are appointments rather than nominations.
Sonny Perdue was formerly the Governor of Georgia.