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State Rep. Will Ainsworth endorses Roy Moore

Roy Moore is surrounded by supporters and media after leaving the Alabama Judicial Building in Montgomery, Ala., on Thursday October 27, 2016 as the lottery is held to pick the judges who will hear his appeal.

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

Friday, state Rep. Will Ainsworth, R-Guntersville, announced that he is backing U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore for the U.S. Senate. Ainsworth said that Moore will work to rebuild a strong military and ensure that soldiers and veterans are treated with respect.

“I am honored to offer my enthusiastic endorsement to Judge Roy Moore and his campaign for the U.S. Senate,” Ainsworth said. “Judge Moore embraces and fully supports President Trump’s agenda of repealing Obamacare, lowering taxes on working Americans, protecting our borders, and ensuring we have a strong military with active soldiers and veterans who are treated with the respect and deference they deserve.”

“Judge Moore’s opponent, on the other hand, is committed to force-feeding our nation a steady diet of failed liberal policies from the Obama, Clinton, and Carter administrations,” Ainsworth commented. “I urge my fellow Alabamians to join me in voting for Judge Moore on December 12 so we can point proudly to a U.S. Senator who represents our deep conservative beliefs and morally-rooted Alabama values.”

“I appreciate Representative Ainsworth’s support. Will has been a strong advocate in the state legislature for lower taxes, traditional marriage, and religious freedom,” Moore said. “As a U.S. Senator, I will work closely with Representative Ainsworth and other leaders in our state to promote Alabama’s businesses, protect Alabama’s jobs, and stand up proudly for Alabama’s conservative values.”

Since 2014, Ainsworth has represented Blount, DeKalb and Marshall counties in the Alabama House of Representatives. He and his wife, Kendall, and their three children attend Grace Fellowship Church in Albertville.

Ainsworth is a Republican candidate for lieutenant governor in 2018. The position is currently vacant as Kay Ivey was promoted to governor in April when Gov. Robert Bentley resigned as a result of a sex scandal. State Sen. Del Marsh, R-Anniston, has assumed the Lt. Governor’s duties as president of the Senate.

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The major party primaries will be on June 5, 2018.

Moore is climbing in the polls, and more and more conservative-thought leaders are endorsing his campaign for the U.S. Senate seat formerly held by Jeff Sessions.

A recent poll by Axis Research has Moore leading Clinton-era U.S. Attorney Doug Jones by 17 percentage points: 56 to 39 percent among likely voters.

The special election between Moore and Jones is on Dec. 12, 2017.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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House District 11 encompasses parts of Cullman and Blount Counties.


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