By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Roy Moore is climbing in the polls, and more and more conservative-thought leaders are endorsing his campaign for the U.S. Senate seat formerly held by Jeff Sessions.
On Wednesday morning, former Speaker of the House Rep. Newt Gingrich, R-Ga., announced his endorsement of Judge Roy Moore for the U.S. Senate.
“There’s nothing more important for advancing the President’s agenda than having another conservative voice in the U.S. Senate – which is why we need Judge Roy Moore in Washington,” Gingrich said. “Roy Moore is a West Point graduate, Vietnam Veteran and constitutional scholar who has been a fighter for our conservative values. He will help rebuild our military and stop the gross overreach of federal power.”
“I’m proud to endorse Judge Roy Moore for Senator and ask you to join me in supporting him,” Gingrich concluded.
Newt Gingrich was the speaker of the House of Representatives from 1995 to 1999. He is a prolific author and the husband of Callista Gingrich, the recently confirmed United States’ ambassador to the Vatican. While there have been several Republican speakers of the House since Gingrich; Gingrich was the first GOP speaker in decades of Democrat dominance in the House. Since the 1994 election, spearheaded by Gingrich, the GOP has controlled the House for 19 of the last 23 years.
Moore thanked Speaker Gingrich for his support.
“Newt Gingrich is a visionary leader, not only for the conservative cause, but for the entire country,” Moore said. “The Contract with America of 1994 was a landmark in American political history and forged the modern Republican Party’s identity as a party committed to tax cuts, welfare reform, and fiscal responsibility. I welcome Newt’s support, and I look forward to working with him on policy ideas to rebuild the military, reduce spending, and rein in the national debt.”
On Tuesday, U.S Congressman Jeff Duncan, R-S.C., announced his endorsement of Moore in Alabama’s special election for the U.S. Senate.
“I am proud to endorse Judge Roy Moore, a man of high principle and steadfast character,” Duncan said. “We need leaders like Judge Moore in Congress, leaders who are unafraid of political correctness and who will call out threats to our nation like radical Islamic terrorism.”
“I have served for six years in Congress on the Homeland Security and Foreign Affairs committees, and the threats posed to our nation by North Korea, Iran, and ISIS are significant. Judge Moore will be a strong supporter of the U.S. military and an unapologetic defender of American exceptionalism,” Duncan said.
Moore thanked Duncan for his support.
“I appreciate Rep. Duncan’s endorsement and I look forward to working with him in Congress on proposals to strengthen the military’s cyber defense capabilities, expand the size of the Navy, and ensure that military and civilian intelligence agencies have every resource they need to identify threats to the American people,” Moore remarked.
On Friday, a Vatican human rights representative is forecasting that if elected on Dec. 12, Moore will-be the U.S. Senate’s “most reliable pro-life and pro-family advocate.”
Attorney Gualberto Garcia Jones, an advisor to the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the Organization of American States, wrote at LifeSiteNews that Moore’s, “Record shows that he will become the most reliable and consistent social conservative in the United States Senate. Most importantly, he will have gotten to the US Senate without any help; not from the left or right wing media, not from President Trump or the Never Trumpers, and certainly not from the Republican Party establishment.”
“The fruits of Roy Moore’s public and professional career are incontrovertible. He has taken every opportunity to be an advocate of the idea that life, family and religious liberty are firmly grounded constitutional principles worth putting one’s personal reputation on the line. He has been scorned by the elite and stripped of his job. He is just a man, and like any man is flawed, but he has been a witness to the scriptural passage that promises that God does not light a lamp only to hide it. In the United States Senate, Roy Moore will surely be a bright lamp shining on The Hill,” Garcia Jones wrote.
To read the full endorsement by Garcia Jones:
On Wednesday, the National Right to Life Committee endorsed Moore for the U.S. Senate. The committee is the oldest and largest pro-life group in the country. They wrote to Moore: “You are a strong advocate for life. You support pro-life legislation including the Pain Capable Unborn Child Act, legislation to protect unborn children who can feel pain by prohibiting abortions at 20 weeks.”
“Judge Roy Moore’s position on life reflects the true values of Alabama’s voters,” said Karen Cross, National Right to Life political director. “There is a stark contrast between Judge Moore, who supports legal protection for unborn children, and Doug Jones, who supports abortion for any reason until birth. Alabama voters concerned with the protection of the most vulnerable members of the human family should vote to send Judge Roy Moore to the U.S. Senate.”
A recent poll by Axis Research has Moore leading Doug Jones by seventeen points: 56 to 39 percent among likely voters.
The special election between Moore and Jones is on Dec. 12, 2017.