By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Friday, Republican U.S. Senate nominee, Roy Moore, addressed the Alabama Federation of Republican Women at their biannual convention in Prattville.
“I want to thank Frances Taylor for the invitation. There is something about a strong woman with conservative principles, like my wife, Kayla,” Moore said.
“This is a critical time in our country,” Moore said. “In November of 2016 we were given another chance. Another chance to turn back to the principles that founded this country. If we don’t turn back, we are going to lose this party we are going to lose this country.”
Moore said that the primary race was very contested. There were 10 candidates and one candidate who dropped out of the race.
“This is a different sort of thing. In that primary you were running against people who shared the same values that you do then, we had the runoff,” Moore said. “We differed on technicalities. Now is a very different battle. My opponent (Doug Jones), he would be considered a very liberal Democrat. I would be considered a very conservative Republican.”
Moore said remember is it Dec. 12. I am heightened because of the publicity in the first two votes. People would think there is no reason to go to the polls. “What concerns me most is getting the vote out.”
“Washington is in turmoil right now,” Moore said. “I will be going to Washington next week and I will be meeting with a lot of the Senators. There is a big battle in the Republican Party.” Moore said that The Washington Post wrote: “Jeff Flake out and Roy Moore in. Heaven help us.” “I hope that heaven does help us.” Moore stated, “I don’t know Bob Corker and I don’t know Jeff Flake, but they are supposed to be connected to me somehow. The liberal press said that heaven help us. The liberal press is not generally behind the Republican Party.” CNN says: “Say good bye to the Republican Party.” CNN is not behind the Republican Party.
“We have forgotten where we come from and what we are about,” Moore said. “Just since Reagan we have forgotten about smaller government.” Some of these politicians promise they will create jobs. Government does not create jobs. We have lost so many jobs because of these high taxes and excessive regulations. “I remember when we have sock factories in Fort Payne and Talladega. We don’t have them anymore they shut down. There are whole towns up north that have shut down.”
Moore said that technology is important, but we need laborers, too, and we need employment.
Moore said that when Trump was elected last November, “I can tell you exactly how I felt. I felt that a great weight have been taken off of my shoulders.” There would not be Government by Hillary Clinton. “My next thought was we have a great opportunity we have better use it or we night not have it again. What have we seen since the election is stagnation and distraction.”
Even in this campaign, there has been distractions. “We are addressing issues that aren’t issues.” “It is not pleasant.” “We still have no immigration policy.” “There is a lot of talk about a wall, but there is nothing being down about a wall. I wonder why the American military is no being used. We should be able to stop illegal aliens coming in. If we still need a wall then build a wall. We are still arguing over DACCA. It was not actually passed. It came from Janet Napolitano in a memo. ‘Deferred action’ meaning: we are not going to do what the law says to do. She should have been impeached. The legislative branch can not enforce the law and the executive branch can not make the law. “She is gone. Obama is gone, but we got the problem. What are we going to do about it. Janet Napolitano has created a great evil in this country.”
On the Obergefell v. Hodges decision that made same-sex marriage legal in all 50 states, Moore said, “It isn’t the job of the United States Supreme Court to redefine marriage It is not in their purview. Judges don’t make law, not even Chief Justices of the Supreme Court and Chief Justice Roberts said they robbed the people of the power. Scalia said it was a judicial putsch.”
“Common Core is a complete aberration of the law,” Moore said. “Government should have nothing to do with education; but it does. In Democratic administration and in Republican Administrations. That power was never given to the federal government.”
“I want to give God the chance to bring this country back,” Moore said. “I want to bring God back to government and I want people to stop believing that government is their God.”
“Our indebtedness has grown from $380 billion in the 1960s to $21 trillion today. We seem to be thinking it doesn’t matter. China has been buying is going to call our hand,” Moore warned.
The Alabama Political Reporter asked: “Is the Doug Jones campaign focusing on press reports about your taxes, what your foundation filed back in 2011, whether Alabama is an embarrassment to me, whether you would embarrass Alabama or not, etc. Are they bringing up these side issues because they don’t want to debate the actual issues?”
Moore said that he would like to focus on the issues. “There are a lot of differences between me and my opponent. I am opposed to transgenders in the military. My opponent says President Trump was wrong to issue that order. I served in the military. I was in Vietnam, and I know you don’t want to be in a fox hole with somebody who doesn’t know they are,” said Moore.
Following Moore’s comments, Frances Taylor, president of the Alabama Federation of Republican Women, endorsed Moore for the U.S. Senate.
“On December 12th, the people of Alabama will cast their votes to elect the next United States Senator,” Taylor said, following her endorsement on Friday. “Only one candidate has the fortitude and conviction necessary to fill the void left in the senate by Alabama’s Jeff Sessions and I that is why I am proud to endorse Judge Roy Moore for the United States Senate.”
“Doug Jones is the epitome of all that voters rejected last November with the election of Donald Trump,” Taylor remarked, “and I look forward to watching the Make America Great Again movement continue with the election of Judge Roy Moore. The women of the Federation are determined to block radical leftists from hijacking our senate seat and we look forward to fighting for conservative values alongside of our next senator, Judge Roy Moore.”
Moore welcomed Taylor’s endorsement on Friday. “I am honored to receive the endorsement of Frances Taylor and the support of this committed group of women. They have devoted countless volunteer hours towards advancing the conservative cause across Alabama and the nation, and I look forward to fighting for our shared principles in Washington, D.C.”
The special election will be Dec. 12, 2017.