By Beth Marietta Lyons
Lyons Law Firm
The Alabama Legislature will convene in just 84 days for the 2018 Annual Regular Session. Established by Alabama law, the Legislative Session begins on Tuesday, January 9, 2018. As the annual Regular Session is limited by law to 30 session days within 105 calendar days, the Session must conclude by April 23, 2018.
2018 is an election year in Alabama for all Constitutional Officers (Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, etc.), all 140 State Legislators, and many judgeships and local offices.
The Party Primary Elections which will be held on June 5, 2018 and the General Election will be held on November 6, 2018.
There have been a total of 42 bills pre-filed to date, 23 in the House and 19 in the Senate. This number will certainly increase as the Session draws nearer. Here is a sampling of the pre-filed bills.
To reestablish the Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP) [HB1 by Representative Tommy Hanes and SB2 by Senator Shay Shelnutt].
To require all non-volunteer fire departments to install diesel exhaust systems in fire station buildings within a certain time frame and under certain conditions [HB7 by Representative Tommy Hanes and SB4 by Senator Rusty Glover].
A proposed Constitutional Amendment to remove the requirement that a bill must be read at length prior to final passage [HB11 by Representative Dickie Drake].
To allow a municipal governing body to opt out of the requirements of the Memorial Preservation Act passed in the 2017 Regular Session [HB15 by Representative Juandalynn Givan].
To repeal the Memorial Preservation Act of 2017 [HB16 by Representative Juandalynn Givan].
To require the Governor to appoint a person to fill a vacancy in the US Senate and schedule an election at the next regularly scheduled General Election instead of calling a Special Election [HB17 by Representative Steve Clouse and SB18 by Senator Gerald Dial].
To exempt the gross proceeds from the sale of gold, silver, platinum, and palladium bullion, and money from sales and use tax in the state for five years [HB19 by Representative Ron Johnson].
To abolish boards, commissions, committees, task forces and authorities that are inactive or inoperable [HB22 by Representative Chris Pringle].
To repeal or revise certain restrictions on carrying or possession of firearms in automobiles and certain other locations [SB3 by Senator Gerald Allen].
To remove the Alabama Register of Landmarks and Heritage from the law regarding abandoned shipwrecks, remains of ships, underwater treasures and artifacts in submerged lands belonging to the State of Alabama [SB8 by Senator Jim McClendon].
To exempt the renaming of public schools from the Memorial Preservation Act of 2017 [SB11 by Senator Dick Brewbaker].
To abolish the requirement that a marriage license be issued by the judge of probate; instead the marriage would be entered into by contract which would be recorded with the judge of probate following execution [SB13 by Senator Greg Albritton].
A proposed Constitutional Amendment to require that vacancies in the Alabama House and Senate be filled by appointment of the Governor if there are less than 2 years remaining on the term of office at the time the vacancy occurs [SB15 by Senator Rusty Glover].
To provide for the availability of stem cell treatment options for certain patients with terminal illnesses or severe chronic illnesses under certain conditions [SB16 by Senator Gerald Allen].
This was a contributed report from the Lyons Law Firm.