By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Tuesday, documentary filmmaker, Curtis Bowers, held a showing of the sequel to his documentary on Communism and the rise of the American left: Agenda: Grinding America Down. This film won the $101,000 Jubilee Grand Prize at the 2010 San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival. Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit expounds on the themes presented by Bowers in his original work. Both of his films have been widely aired in the National Movie Night project at conservative Christian churches across the country.
The new documentary film was screened at Birmingham’s Briarwood Presbyterian Church. Bowers held a question and answer session with the audience following the film. Bowers was introduced by his friend, Montgomery pastor, Tom Ford.
Bowers is a former Idaho state representative, a former restaurant owner, teacher and realtor. He has a bachelor’s degree in business from Colorado Christian University and a master’s degree from the University of Colorado. Bowers and his wife, Lauren, live in Caldwell, Idaho. They have nine children.
Bowers serves as the narrator of the film, but his film includes contributions from conservative-thought leaders including: Ambassador Alan Keyes, author Trevor Loudon, Pavel Stroilev, Star Jackson, David McIlvaney, G. Edward Griffin, Lt. Gen. William G. “Jerry” Boykin, Carol Swain, Dr. James Waliss and more.
Bowers said that the changes that are happening in the country are, “going to be a nightmare for our children.” Bowers said that he began years ago with the question: “Is the changes that took place in America accidental or purposeful?” Through his years of research, he came to the conclusion that no, it was the work of, “Evil wicked people over a course of 100 years.” What was just a handful of radicals in the 1920s has grown over the decades until, “They are in the majority now and our children are on their side. Why because we let them raise our children.”
Early in the documentary, an anti-Castro Cuban warned of the Communists: “They will come and get you. They will take your arms they will take everything and you will just be a pawn of the state.”
Bowers said, “The left wants you to believe that catastrophe is always right around the corner,” and can be only prevented by giving more power and control to the state.
Jim Simpson said that America has been the big stumbling block of Communism from the very beginning.
Bowers said that as he traveled the nation on his first film tour, “The people that I spoke to thought they were under attack from a hundred different places with a hundred different agendas. I explained that is not the case.” Bowers blames a communist, socialist agenda for most problems. He said that socialism is being taught in every school in America. Children today don’t know the most fundamental things about this country. “God established three institutions: the family, the Church, and the state.” America’s greatness is that we followed God’s plan. The Communist Manifesto is to destroy the family, the Church and the state.
Lt. Gen. Boykin said that the left have gone after the next generation.
Bowers warned that the schools are so far gone that the best outcome would be to tear down the public education system and let the money follow the child to the school, including homeschool, where the parents choose to send their children. Bowers and his wife, Lauren, homeschool their children.
“The end of all collectivism schemes is a government that takes care of the citizens from the cradle to the grave. That is Marxism,” Bowers said.
Bowers details a very complex master conspiracy that includes the old Soviet Union and the America left. In the film, he goes from topic to topic describing how he believes America’s institutions were infiltrated by progressives/communists: the public schools, liberal seminarians, the federal reserve and the weakening of the currency, the rise of militant Islam, common core, radical environmentalism, etc.
“We like to think Stalin and Lenin are bad people,” Bowers argues that they were really ordinary people with exceptionally bad ideas.
Trevor Loudon warned that when the USSR fell, the KGB was left in place, and now it is stronger than ever before and that Russian President Vladimir Putin hopes to restore the Soviet Empire.
Bowers warned that, “As Obamacare collapses, as it was designed to do, they will step up and present a government solution once people are tired of high premiums and deductibles.” He dismissed population concerns saying that the whole population of the world could fit in Texas.
“The left will support anyone who will fight their main two enemies: Christianity and freedom.”
Masters of Deceit is a 1958 book written by legendary FBI director, J. Edgar Hoover. The book was very inspiring for Bowers’ parents.