By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Thursday, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee endorsed Scott Dawson for Governor of Alabama.
Huckabee is an author, a former Fox News TV show host, a former pastor and twice a Republican candidate for president of the United States.
Huckabee made the endorsement of Dawson while on the popular “Rick and Bubba” radio show.
“Scott Dawson brings the right heart to the job, and I am thrilled to be with him,” the former governor said.
Huckabee said that he has known Dawson for over a decade and originally met Dawson through his wife, Janet Huckabee, who was speaking at a conference where Dawson was preaching.
Mike Huckabee was a pastor for 12 years before becoming Arkansas’s Governor. Huckabee said that serving as a pastor is good preparation for being a governor.
“I think being a pastor is the greatest preparation a person can have for public service,” Huckabee said. “There’s not any social pathology that I couldn’t put a name and a face to. Somebody says they want to talk about the issue of the elderly; I’ve dealt with those folks. I’ve dealt with a 14-year-old girl who’s pregnant and hasn’t told her parents yet. I’ve talked to the young couple who’s head over heels in debt. I think it gives you a real perspective about people and what they’re going through that’s important.”
While Governor, Huckabee was recognized by “Time Magazine” as one of the best governors in the country. In the 2008 presidential election, most observers thought that former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) would be the GOP nominee. Huckabee surprised everyone with a first place finish in the Iowa Caucus. The conservative Arkansas governor won a number of primaries and caucuses including the 2008 Alabama presidential primary. Arizona Sen. John McCain eventually won the GOP nomination that year, but he was defeated by then Illinois Sen. Barack H. Obama (D) in the general election. Huckabee was also a 2016 candidate, though never got the same momentum as in 2008.
On the “Rick and Bubba” show, the hosts talked about Alabama’s recent political scandals and the recovery from corruption; the kind of fall-out Huckabee dealt with himself when he was first elected with the Clinton-Whitewater scandals looming over Arkansas.
“Alabama has been through a tough political period. Speaking from experience, there needs to be a sense of someone stepping in to bring a healing role, as well as a good administrative role to find common ground for folks,” Huckabee said. “Scott can offer that; helping to put their lives together and trust their government. I know Scott has the moral character to restore confidence and bring about a great change in leadership for the people of Alabama.”
Huckabee was promoting his new TV show on TBN. He said that Dawson has been calling him for spiritual and political advice. He felt this was the right time to make his support for Dawson public.
“I told Scott, ‘I love you, and I want to be there for you.’ I truly think Scott brings the right heart to the job and I am very honored to be with him,” Huckabee said.
Dawson said he was honored to have the support of Huckabee.
“I’ve prayed with Mike over this decision for the last year so I know where his heart is, and I am honored he has chosen to support our campaign,” Dawson said.
“Mike has a lot of friends in Alabama and while he could have picked any one of them, he has chosen to support me because he knows me and the goals I have set for Alabama. Mike has been supportive of me running since we first talked and, in fact, he has been more encouraging than supportive. With such a vast experience in both politics and worship, Mike has great wisdom for me and I dearly appreciate everything Mike has done and will be doing for us over the next year,” Dawson said.
Dawson is an evangelist and a regular contributor to the “Rick and Bubba” show.
Dawson, Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle, Gov. Kay Ivey, former Morgan County Commissioner Stacy George, Birmingham businessman Josh Jones and state Sen. Bill Hightower, R-Mobile, are all running for the Republican nomination for governor.
Tuscaloosa Mayor Walt Maddox, former Chief Justice Sue Bell Cobb and gay rights activist Chris Countryman are all running for the Democratic nomination for governor.
The major party primaries are on June 5, 2018.