By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Wednesday, End Citizens United announced that they have endorsed Democratic nominee Doug Jones for U.S. Senate.
Jones, a former U.S. attorney, is running in the Alabama special election against Roy Moore in the Dec. 12 special election.
“An extremist with a racist, bigoted agenda, who will defend a corrupt, rigged system in Washington that favors the priorities of special interests over everyday Alabamians,” ECU said of Moore in their statement.
“Roy Moore’s radical agenda has no place in the U.S. Senate, plain and simple,” Tiffany Muller, president of ECU, said. “His extreme ideology is contrary to Alabama values and American values. And in Washington, he’ll give Big Money special interests more influence over our politics. While Moore has repeatedly embarrassed Alabamians, and paid himself and his wife more than $1 million from a charity he controlled, Doug Jones is a man of character and integrity. He’s been a tough prosecutor who isn’t afraid to do what’s right and will take that same commitment to Congress and unrig the system so it works for all Americans.”
“Alabama families are tired of watching Washington leave them behind,” Jones said. “Reform that empowers voters will upend the broken system that prioritizes deep-pocketed interests over everyday Alabamians. I look forward to working with End Citizens United to curb the corrosive, corrupting influence of Big Money in politics.”
“Moore is closely aligned with shady special interest mega-donors, including the Mercer family and their right-hand man Steve Bannon,” ECU added.
The Senate Leadership Fund, a Super PAC which supported his primary opponent, U.S. Sen. Luther Strange, R-Ala.; has announced it will honor the wishes of Alabama Republicans and will support Moore.
“Moore’s campaign is being propped up by hate groups and secretive ‘dark money’ organizations, including Public Advocate, a radical anti-LGBT group, and he’s fighting to give them more power to influence democracy,” ECU said. “He is also a high profile leader in the effort to repeal the Johnson Amendment to allow political groups to use churches to funnel money into campaigns.”
“Moore has a long history of championing out-of-touch, dangerous ideas,” ECU said. “As a judge, Moore was suspended and removed from office for putting his personal views ahead of the rule of law – including advising judges to deny same-sex couples marriage licenses. He is a ‘birther’ who pushed the idea that President Obama was not born in America and said this year that the 9/11 attacks were divine punishment on America.”
“Jones stands in stark contrast to Moore. As a US Attorney, he brought members of the KKK involved in the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing, which claimed the lives of four girls, to justice. He is committed to unrigging the system by getting Big Money out of politics and giving a voice to those who have been shut out of the process,” according to ECU.
ECU describes itself as a grassroots-funded organization dedicated to electing members of Congress who will fight to overturn Citizens United and pass meaningful campaign finance reforms that will remove unlimited, undisclosed money from our political system. Founded over two years ago, the group has grown to more than three million members.
The special general election to fill the seat vacated by Jeff Sessions when the Senate confirmed him as U.S. attorney general, will be on Dec. 12, 2017.