By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Former Chief Justice Roy Moore made a final attempt to reach the voters of Alabama in a speech on Monday in which he denounced the moneyed establishment forces that have poured a fortune into his opponent’s Senate campaign. Moore held a final Get Out The Vote rally in Fairhope, Alabama, with special guests including Brietbart News Executive Chairman Steven Bannon; Duck Dynasty Star Phil Robertson; Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage; state Sen. Trip Pittman, R-Montrose; former gubernatorial candidate Siran Stacy; and state Auditor Jim Zeigler.
Former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore said that he did not know whether he would win or not, but that he felt that the hand of God was on him in this campaign.
“Here in Alabama we dare defend our rights and we don’t stop kicking,” Moore said.
Moore said that as Americans “We have forgotten God.” That we have become so intoxicated with unbroken successes that we have deluded ourselves into thinking that comes entirely from us. “We have got to go back to God.”
“It is a great honor, I am just a country boy from North Alabama, to have men like Steve Bannon, Nigel Farage, Siran Stacy, to come long distances, as well as Trip Pittman to help me. We need to go back and learn our history.” America is great because America has overcome a great many problems. If we forget our history we will repeat those problems. Moore denounced people who disrespect the flag and fail to stand for the anthem. “We should be proud that we live in the greatest country in the world,” Judge Moore said.
“For whatever reason God has put me forward in this election and all of America is watching. All of Washington is watching to see what we do tomorrow. Will we take a stand against the Washington establishment that is coming down from Washington with $30 million to buy this election?” Moore asked. Moore stated that the whole nation is watching to see if money from D.C. can decide this election, and if we win against $30 million then others will also stand up and challenge the D.C. establishment.
Moore said that Senate Republicans don’t want to repeal Obamacare, “They don’t want a vote. How hard is it to repeal Obamacare? It takes a vote, yes or no.” Moore said that the federal government has no authority to take over a private industry.
On DACA, Moore asked, “What laws was that? The DREAM Act did not pass.” It did not pass, so Janet Napolitano directed the Homeland Security Department not to take action. She had no authority to give that order. Congress did not stand up and impeach her from trying to make laws that she had no authority to make.
The crowd roared when Moore said, “Mitch McConnell needs to be replaced.”
“We have got to bring morality back to this country. It hurts to be called soft on guns. Soft? I don’t even know what the word means,” Moore said. “I know guns. I used guns fighting for this country in Vietnam and I know that guns don’t kill people, people kill people.”
“If we don’t get a handle on our indebtedness our national debt we would end up like Greece and Argentina,” Moore warned on the national debt. There was a vote in the Senate to pay down the deficit by cutting foreign and they voted no. “There is nothing in the U.S. Constitution about giving aid to foreign countries.”
“You have the opportunity to send a message to the people in Washington that millions and millions of dollars cannot change the people of Alabama,” said Moore. “If they can’t beat me with $30 million then others will also stand up.”
Roy Moore faces Luther Strange in the Republican primary runoff today. Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 7 p.m.