By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Thursday, August 31, 2017, Alabama Governor Ivey (R) called on Alabamians to donate blood to aid the victims of Hurricane Harvey.
Governor Ivey said, “Blood collection centers in areas devastated by Harvey are unable to collect enough blood to match the demand and are calling upon donors nationwide. I’m urging Alabamians to continue helping Texans during this dire time of need, by donating blood. I hope that blood centers across the state will join my efforts to support our friends in Texas and I’m proud the Alabama Hospital Association is helping by sponsoring a LifeSouth blood drive here in Montgomery. Right now, we must remember that despite our differences, Alabamians and all Americans unite with the common goal of helping the state of Texas recover from this devastating storm.”
Due to the massive devastation of this storm system, the state of Texas is relying on the efforts of blood banks across the country. Gov. Ivey is fulfilling her pledge to offer Alabama’s support to Texas.
Governor Ivey announced the Alabama Hospital Association will be hosting a blood drive in Montgomery on Tuesday, September 5th. The Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center, which collects and provides blood for the Houston areas, was completely shut down Wednesday, August 30th, and is now running at limited capacity due to lack of power and unaccounted for employees. Blood Centers of America (BCA) is coordinating efforts of community blood centers to assist in maintaining the blood supply in Southeast Texas. LifeSouth is one of 30 community blood centers helping. As of Wednesday, August 30th, over 3,100 units of blood and 200 platelets have been sent from BCA members.
Donors with type O blood are critically needed, as type O is the most needed in emergencies and traumas. Platelet and plasma donations are also needed.
The President of the Alabama Hospital Association Donald E. Williamson said in a statement, “Hospitals depend on the generosity of the public to keep blood supplies available for patients. The spirit of giving is needed now more than ever to help those in the areas affected by Hurricane Harvey.”
The Alabama Hospital Association’s blood drive, hosted locally by LifeSouth Community Blood Centers, will be held on Tuesday, September 5th from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on the 6th floor of the RSA Plaza; 770 Washington Avenue, Montgomery.
The Red Cross is hosting another blood drive in Montgomery on Wednesday, September 6th on the main level of the Judicial Building from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The Judicial Building is located at 300 Dexter Avenue, Montgomery.
Governor Kay Ivey has also sent Alabama National Guard personnel and resources, including helicopters, to the disaster area to help with relief efforts.