By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Thursday, August 10, 2017, the Judge Roy Moore for US Senate campaign announced a string of endorsements on Wednesday and Thursday.
American Family Association President Tim Wildmon said in a statement: “As a fellow conservative who cares about the direction of this great nation, I wholeheartedly endorse my friend, Judge Roy Moore, for the US Senate race in Alabama. Judge Moore’s record on pro-life issues and traditional marriage, as well as his firm stand for the United States Constitution and his reverence and acknowledgement of God, make him the clear choice in this important election.”
Mr. Wildmon said, “I cannot remember a more critical time in our history as a nation when we have needed a conservative leader such as Judge Moore. And just as I believe that the United States was given a second chance in November with the election of President Trump, I believe that Judge Moore is a man for such a time as this in the upcoming Special Election made possible by Jeff Sessions becoming America’s Attorney General. Please make it your top priority on Tuesday, August 15, to vote for Judge Roy Moore for the US Senate. I will continue to pray for God’s will to be done in this race, and in our nation.”
Former Chief Justice Moore said, “I am honored to have the support of my good friend Tim Wildmon. Tim and his organization have been at the front lines of the battle to make America great again, by making her good again.”
The American Family Association (AFA) was founded in 1977, and has grown to a monthly magazine, with more than 1.2 million subscribers, and almost 200 Christian radio stations delivering accurate, Christian-based news to the world.
The Alabama Constitution Party is making a rare endorsement of a Republican candidate. The party said in a statement, “The Alabama Constitution Party has long stood for the principals laid out by our founding fathers in the Declaration of Independence, and have fought vigorously in defense of the Constitution. We understand that our Creator has endowed each of us with unalienable rights. No other candidate for the vacant senate seat left behind by Jeff Sessions appointment knows this more than Judge Roy Moore. Judge Moore has time and time again, in the face of certain reprisal from enemies of our Constitution, stood to defend the rights of the people against the approaching globalism doctrine. Having been removed twice from elected office for standing up for the citizens of Alabama against the onslaught of the Socialist movement, which is bent on making government our overseer and our god, the people of Alabama should send a clear message. That message should be Alabamians will decide who represents us in the senate, not crooked DC establishment propagandists. No one in the senate today knows more about the Constitution and the application of it as the limitors of government than Judge Roy Moore. Putting principal over party it is hereby the decision of the Alabama Constitution Party to officially endorse Judge Roy Moore for US Senate.”
Duck Commander Phil Robertson also endorsed Moore, “I have been an admirer for some time of Judge Roy Moore. He judged with a good understanding of the constitution and the law, but he also understands natural law and who gave us our rights to begin with, Almighty God. Roy Moore will stand up for truth and what’s right, no matter who opposes him, and that is sorely needed in Washington DC. I fully endorse his run for the senate and pray for he and his family.”
Judge Moore said, “I thank Phil for his support and prayers. The Robertson’s are a great example for the American family. They represent hard work, Christian values and conservative principles, which is what we need to make our nation great again, and to make our nation good again.”
Phil Robertson is the founder of Duck Commander, which sells duck calls and hunting gear in all 50 states, and the author of two books. He and his family also star in the hit TV series “Duck Dynasty”.
Operation Rescue President Troy Newman also endorsed Judge Roy Moore for US Senate. President Newman said, “I know Judge Roy Moore to be a dedicated Christian and social conservative who will not compromise on the matters of life. He is staunchly pro-life, and a true defender of religious freedom. I urge all the good people of Alabama to cast their votes for Judge Roy Moore for Senate on August 15.” “Judge Moore is a man of faith that based his decisions on the court not on his opinions, but on the law of the land, even though it has cost him personally and professionally. It’s not often we find a political candidate that will do what is right, knowing that negative consequences will come. This is the kind of man of honor and principle we need in Washington, DC.”
Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation.
The Common Sense Campaign (CSC) has voted to endorse Judge Roy Moore. The group wrote in a statement, “It is crucial to get this election “right”, so our Board voted to go forward early with an endorsement of the only genuine Constitutionalist in the race in the hopes that Judge Moore can win without a runoff.”
The CSC Board wrote, “Judge Moore’s record stands out for his principled adherence to and defense of the American Constitution. Despite the efforts of his opponents to keep him from serving the people of Alabama, Judge Moore has never given up fighting against the enemies of the Constitution and the radical Left’s agenda to “Fundamentally Change” America. He is seeking another opportunity to continue his long record of service to God and Country in one of the most important periods in recent history, and it is our strong belief that he is the best qualified candidate to take us through such perilous times.”