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Brinson critical of Brooks’ call to give nomination to Sessions

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

Wednesday, July 26, 2017, Congressman and US Senate Candidate Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) called on all of the candidates to drop out of the race if former Senator Jeff Sessions (R) were to resign or be fired from his current job as US Attorney General.  Rep. Brooks said that he would drop out of the race if everybody else did,

Republican US Senate Candidate Dr. Randy Brinson was critical of Brooks’ offer.

Dr. Brinson said, “Mo Brooks’ ‘pledge’ to withdraw from the Senate race is just another grandstanding ploy by a career politician who’s been grandstanding for 35 years.  If you needed any more proof that Mo Brooks will say anything at all to get elected, just read this press release.”

Brinson added, “It’s easy to take a stand when there’s absolutely no chance you’ll have to follow through on it.  Mo Brooks knows that there’s ZERO chance that Luther Strange will agree to withdraw from the race–his controllers in Washington won’t let him.”

Brinson said, “If Mo was serious about this, he’d go first.  If he truly meant what he said, he’d have quit the race today and then (and only then) called on everyone else to do the same.  We saw enough of this ‘leading from behind’ nonsense from Barack Obama.  The people of Alabama didn’t like it when Obama did it, and they won’t like it now that Mo Brooks is doing it.”

Congressman Brooks said in his proposal, “If President Trump wants a new Attorney General, he has that right. That is why today I am making the people of Alabama a ‘win-win’ promise: a ‘win’ for President Trump and a ‘win’ for Jeff Sessions.”  “I offer to withdraw completely from the race for Senate if my other GOP opponents in this race will concur.”  Brooks included a written proposal with all of the terms and conditions.

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Rep. Brooks said, “If all Republican candidates collectively agree to simultaneously withdraw from this race, then we clear the way for the Republican Party of Alabama to nominate Jeff Sessions to be the Republican nominee for the December 12, 2017 general election. He can return to the Senate where he has served us so well. President can then appoint whomever he wants as Attorney General.”

Brooks emphasized that he stands with Jeff Sessions.

President Trump is angry with AG Sessions because he believes that the Attorney General should not have recused himself from the investigation into whether or not the Trump campaign may have colluded with the Russian government or not.  Sessions recused himself because he had met personally with the Russian ambassador while a member of the campaign.  As a former member of the Trump campaign and a possible person of interest in a Russian collusion probe, Sessions believed that recusal was required of him.  After Sessions recused himself Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein appointed former FBI Director Robert Mueller to be a special counsel to investigate the allegations surrounding possible coordination between the Russian government and the Trump presidential campaign in 2016.

The special major party primaries are on August 15, 2017.  If necessary, the special major party primary runoffs will be on September 26.  The Special General Election will be December 12.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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