By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Monday, July 24, 2017, former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court Roy Moore (R) spoke to a packed crowd of the North Jefferson County Republican Club at Jim and Nick’s Barbecue.
Chief Justice Moore thanked, “Bill Armistead my Chairman who has done such a great job and my campaign manager Rich Hobson and my wife, Kayla.”
Quoting Thomas Paine, Judge Moore said, ““These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly.”
Moore said, “The harder the challenge the greater the glory. We have lost our way…A lot of people are just sunshine patriots. They come out when it is warm. They don’t withstand the duration. In November the American people voted to try to get back on track.”
Moore added, “We have got serious problems and they want somebody to do something about it. In Washington Dc we have a Democratic and Republican establishment that is trying to block things.” Moore said that the “Establishment is scared that their candidate is trailing in the polls.”
The Chief Justice quoted a CNN article that said that McConnell does not want a conservative rebel in a caucus that is already difficult to manage in Roy Moore. Moore said, “Notice who they named.” “I am not going to Washington to be a permanent figure.”
Moore said that the Establishment has a fund to maintain incumbency that they are using against him. “Trump went up there with a different agenda and they don’t like it. They don’t like taking on serious problems.”
The popular former Chief Justice said, “We must be strong again.’ In 1969 I took an oath to the Constitution of the United States.” When I became an officer, when I went to Europe when I went to Asia when I became a company commander. I have seen the Constitution disrespected.
I have seen the military weakened. We have got a military that is more interested in social experiments. “We do not need to talk about transgender rights in the military. We are talking about something that will decimate the morale of the military.”
Moore emphasized that he wanted a stronger military. “We need more armaments.” “Some call me a warmonger.” Moore said that he did not enjoy his experience fighting in Vietnam. If we are not strong we will be attacked. I want a military that is feared by our enemies, respected by our allies, and loved by our people.”
Judge Moore said, “The answer to healthcare is free enterprise. Healthcare has never been the role of the Federal government…We don’t want to give healthcare to a government that can’t run a veterans healthcare system.”
Moore stated, “Judges have put themselves above the Constitution.” The Chief Justice recommended his book, ‘Abuse of Power,’ “It tells you what to do when Supreme Courts go beyond their authority and tells how congress can rein them back in. The Constitution is the law of the land not what the Supreme Court rules… If they can let two men marry then they can let a man and five women or a woman and five men marry…There is no historical context for letting two men getting married.”
Moore also promoted a return to traditional morality, “We have got to be good…We lack a national morality. Moore said that there is a loss of hope. You can find it in our streets, in our drug problems, on our police, in our courts. “Only God can change to that.” Moore recommended, “Going back to God’s law, including the Ten Commandments…Our children are being taught from the youth up that there are no moral restrictions…If you do not recognize God then you have not inalienable rights…The rights are given by God…The purpose of the government is to secure those rights.”
Moore said, “I know McConnell wants to manage me, but It is not going to stop me. I wish I was young. I will not back down. I will not stop.”
Moore said that he would fight for Veterans. “Veterans are more likely to die waiting for treatment than they are on the battlefield…The (VA) system is slow and it is not meeting the needs of the country.”
When asked about Sharia Law Judge Moore suggested that Islam is a “false religion.” “False religions like Islam, who teach that ‘you must worship this way,’ are completely opposite with what our First Amendment stands for. False religions are the result of telling people they can not follow God. Man can’t tell you how to worship God…Religion is an institution and there is a difference in belief in and sovereignty of God.”
Moore said that if elected he would promote legislation originally introduced by Senator Richard Shelby (R-Alabama) instructing the courts not to consider international law when they consider cases and establishing that the Constitution be interpreted as it would have been by the Common Law when the Constitution was written.
According to every poll that we are aware of, Roy Moore is leading the field in the race to replace Jeff Sessions (R) in the US Senate. Former Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange (R) was appointed by former Governor Robert Bentley (R) to fill the seat temporarily. Strange and Moore are among sixteen major party candidates seeking the seat.
The special major party primaries are on August 15. If necessary, the special major party primary runoff will be September 26. The Special General Election will be December 12.