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Peeples says that he will fight for education

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

Thursday, July 2017, US Senate candidate Bryan Peeples (R) said on social media, “If you want someone to fight for you, your children, and their children, and all the rights of all the citizens, then get behind a frustrated citizen who will fight the hard fight for the people.”

Peeples said in his statement, “I believe I bring a modern perspective to educational needs. I was a transient child due to my father being a part of corporate America in the 80’s and 90’s economic boom. I can with out a doubt describe the differences in needs between the states and can attest to the poor options this State has. I am a firm believer of the 10th Amendment but there needs to be standards and regulations in place to protect the services rendered, bought, or used. Not all counties or cities have the funds necessary to provide quality education to it’s youth and as you mentioned they can find funds for their coaches but not the healthcare or curriculum needs. Our State constantly pulls from the education fund in order to resupply the general fund. The laws we have in this state do not promote growth at any level and only seek to keep those in power in power. It is frustrating to me that we have this conversation over and over and Alabama constantly ranks in the bottom 5 nationally. We can do better and have to do better for our youth.”

Peeples said, “I have spoken with our State Legislators and the only reason they don’t fix any of the laws for the needs of our lower, mid-lower, and middle income families is the excuse of have an illegal immigration problem in this state. They are more concerned about collecting the taxes from undocumented immigrants that are in this State than doing what is right for it’s own citizens. I know they are all aware of this.”

Peeples continued, “We need real solutions to real issues and not some political pandering talk given to voters or press. The only way to fix this issue is in Montgomery and to remove the system and machine politicians. We need to have our voices be heard loud and strong. ENOUGH is ENOUGH!!! We shouldn’t except this anymore. We shouldn’t have poor choices be shoved down our throats. We have large populations in this State and country suffering and all we get is 15 second sound bytes.”

Peeples concluded, “If you want someone to fight for you, your children, and their children and all the rights of all the citizens then get behind a frustrated citizen who will fight the hard fight for the people. I don’t know about you but the reason I’m running for Senate is because I’m tired of the excuses, the finger pointing and the lack of owning up to the responsibility of doing what is right for the people of this State and country. This is an amazing State and country and we need people who will champion that not party politics, not special interests, not PAC’s. We need to give the people their power back and let them know there is someone willing to fight for their needs.”

Nine Republicans are running for the US Senate.  They include: James Paul Beretta, Joseph F. Breault, Randy Brinson, Mo Brooks, Mary Maxwell, Roy Moore, Bryan Peeples, Trip Pittman, and Luther Strange.

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Seven Democratic candidates are running in the US Senate Special Primary Election. Qualified candidates are Will Boyd, Vann Caldwell, Jason Fisher, Michael Hansen, Doug Jones, Robert Kennedy, Jr., and Charles Nana.

Dom Gentile (R) and Brian McGee (D) both dropped out of the race on Monday, July 17, 2017.

The Special Major Party primaries are on August 15, 2017.  The Major Party runoffs will be on September 26, 2017.  The Special General Election will be on December 12, 2017.


Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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