By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Tuesday, June 11, 2017, former Executive Director of the Alabama Republican Party, TJ Maloney announced that he is running as a Republican for State Representative in District 39.
Maloney said in a statement, “Too many career politicians have forgotten what it means to serve the public and instead serve special interests and themselves. To change Montgomery, we need to start by changing who we send to Montgomery. I am running for the Legislature to fight for our shared conservative values, to challenge the old status quo and ensure every child has the opportunity to realize their God given potential.”
Maloney raised over $22,000 from over 100 contributors in just his first month of fundraising.
Maloney said, “Tanya and I are humbled by the support shown from so many neighbors and friends as we begin this campaign.”
House District 39 is presently held by Representative Richard Lindsey (D-Centre) who has served in the House 1983, when rural Alabama was overwhelmingly dominated by Democrats.
Maloney said, “Alabama is a conservative State and the good people of East Central Alabama deserve a State Representative that shares those values. My ‘Opportunity Agenda’ is simple: reform State government, invest in education and infrastructure to enhance economic development efforts, and to hold the line against liberals who what to change our traditional way of life.”
TJ Maloney lives in Heflin with his wife Tanya and their two daughters. They are active members of Heflin First United Methodist Church where TJ teaches youth Sunday school.
Maloney is currently the Marketing Director for RA-LIN & Associates – Alabama Division.
TJ previously owned and operated a Heflin based small business that specialized in communications and marketing. TJ was the Executive Director of the Alabama Republican
Party from March 2011 through March 2013.
Maloney is active in his community: coaching youth sports through Heflin Parks and Recreation Department and is active with several area Chambers of Commerce.
House District 39 includes all or parts of Calhoun, Cherokee, Cleburne and DeKalb Counties.
Lindsey has not yet announced if he will seek a 10th four-year term in office. Lindsey was the chairman of the powerful Education Finance and Appropriations Committee when Democrats still controlled the Alabama House of Representatives. The GOP won a super majority in 2010 by unseating many of Lindsey’s fellow White rural Democrats.
In the 2014 election, Lindsey defeated challenger Heath Jones (R) 6,550 (58.2 percent) to 4,692 (41.7 percent). In the 2010 election, Lindsey defeat challenger Tim Sprayberry 7,808 (57.1 percent) to 5,872 (42.9 percent).
The Republican Primary will be on Tuesday June 5th, 2018. The General Election being held on Tuesday November 6th, 2018.