By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Tuesday, July 11, 2017, Republican US Senate candidate Dr. Randy Brinson said that US Representative Mo Brooks’ (R-Huntsville) latest campaign commercial is a ploy to make voters believe his candidacy is supported by President Trump.
Dr. Brinson said in a statement, “This is just another example of Mo Brooks saying what he thinks will get him elected. In February, 2016, he went on MSNBC the day before the Super Tuesday primaries and said ‘a lot of people who have supported Donald Trump, they are going to regret having done so, because you’re going to find that on a significant number of those issues (including border security), Donald Trump is not going to do what people think he’s going to do.’ Mo Brooks then went on to call the President a ‘serial adulterer’ and said ‘I don’t support people who support adultery.’”
Brinson added, “Mo Brooks is a career politician, and he’s doing exactly what career politicians do–he’s changed his tune as the political winds shifted. He’s desperate to make Alabama voters think President Trump is supporting him because he supported President Trump, when it just isn’t true.”
Congressman Brooks released an ad yesterday in which he vows to filibuster by reading the King James Version of the Bible from cover to cover until the Senate funds President Trump’s controversial border wall between the US and Mexico.
Brinson said that, “Threatening to filibuster the Senate by reading the King James Bible is a blatant attempt to manipulate Christian voters, and it won’t work. Why didn’t he talk about how every illegal border-crosser costs the taxpayer $75,000 over their lifetime? Why didn’t he talk about how a wall that stops 10 percent of illegals pays for itself in 10 years? Why didn’t he talk about how building the wall is only one part of securing our borders? Why didn’t he talk about the 40 percent of illegals who are visa overstays, like 5 of the 9/11 hijackers?”
Dr. Brinson conclufed, “We need border security that goes beyond just building the wall. We need a comprehensive security policy that addresses real issues, not empty campaign rhetoric. I fully support President Trump’s agenda, and I’ll work with President Trump to close the deal on the wall. I’ll also fight for better visa monitoring, better cybersecurity, and giving priority to Christian refugees fleeing radical Islamic terrorism.”
US Senator Luther Strange (R) also released ads attacking Brooks quoting Brooks saying that choosing between Trump and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, “Was a difficult choice” and for attacking Trump as a “serial adulterer’ during the Primary season. Brooks had endorsed Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) for President.
Rep. Brooks has responded to the charges saying that he was the only one of the candidates who actually contributed to the Trump campaign, citing a $2500 contribution to the Alabama Republican Party to fund the Mighty Alabama Strike Force’ deployment to Florida in the waning days of the 2016 campaign.
Dr. Randy Brinson is a doctor, an Air Force veteran, the former Head of the Christian Coalition of Alabama, a lay minister and businessman from Montgomery, Alabama.
The Senate special major party primaries will be held August 15, 2017. If necessary, the Special Primary runoffs will be on September 28, and the Special General Election will be on December 12.