By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Thursday, June 15, 2017, President Trump nominated Jay E. Towns, Louis V. Franklin, Sr., and Richard W. Moore to be the three US Attorneys for Alabama.
Friday, June 16, 2017, US Senator Richard Shelby (R-Alabama) released a statement supporting Trump’s picks for US Attorneys in Alabama.
Senator Shelby said in his statement, “Great news for Alabama! This week, President Trump announced his intention to nominate three Alabamians to serve as US Attorneys for the state’s Northern, Middle, and Southern districts.”
Shelby announced, “Jay E. Town, of Huntsville, to be US Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama. Since 2005, Jay has been in the Madison County District Attorney’s office, where he is a Senior prosecutor. He previously served as a judge advocate in the US Marine Corps for 12 years. Jay Town is very qualified and, once confirmed, will be a great fit for the position.”
Shelby continued, “Louis V. Franklin, Sr., of Montgomery, to be US Attorney for the Middle District of Alabama. For close to three decades, Louis has been a federal prosecutor in the Middle District. He was the Assistant U.S. Attorney from 1990 to 1996 and again from 1998 to 2001. Louis Franklin is an honorable pick, and his immense expertise will enable him, once confirmed, to step into this role with ease.”
Shelby said, “Richard W. Moore, of Mobile, to be US Attorney for the Southern District of Alabama. Moore is currently the inspector general for the Tennessee Valley Authority, a position he was nominated to by George W. Bush in 2003. Prior to his time at TVA, he served as an Assistant US Attorney in Alabama’s Southern District from 1985 to 2003. Richard Moore, once confirmed, will serve this post with the utmost integrity.”
Shelby concluded, “Congratulations to these three exceptionally qualified nominees. I look forward to working with my colleagues to confirm them in the Senate.”
Sources say that Shelby and US Attorney General/former Senator Jeff Sessions (R) had tremendous input and influence with the Trump Administration’s pocks of Franklin, Town, and Moore so everyone expected that Shelby would support the nominations as he has supported President Trump’s other nominees to this point.
The trio replaced Barack H. Obama’s nominees: George L. Beck, Jr., Kenyen Ray Brown, and Joyce White Vance, who were all asked to resign by the new Administration.
The nominations still have to be confirmed by the US Senate.