By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
On Tuesday, June 13, 2017, US Attorney General Jeff Sessions (R) testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee regarding allegations that Donald J. Trump colluded with the Russian government to defeat Hillary R. Clinton (D) in the 2016 election. Most Alabama Republican leaders remain skeptical of the allegations and still support AG Jeff Sessions and President Trump.
Alabama Republican Party Chairman Terry Lathan said in a statement following US Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ testimony: “Attorney General Jeff Sessions is an individual of the highest character and moral fiber. The public testimony he gave to the Senate Intelligence Committee today clearly proves this. He volunteered to testify openly so all of America could hear his truth.”
Chairman Lathan continued, “I have personally witnessed the integrity of Attorney General Sessions over a span of over 30 years, both in his role as a friend and public servant to our state. Attorney General Sessions served Alabama faithfully and honestly for years, in the same way he now leads the Justice Department, with the utmost integrity and loyalty to America.”
US Representative Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) said, “We have clear unambiguous testimony by Attorney General Jeff Sessions that he has in no way, shape, or form colluded with Russians concerning 2016 elections. It is time for the Democrat[ic] Party, Democrat[ic] elected officials, and the Democrat[ic] Communications Wing (the mainstream news media) to put up or shut up. If any of them have evidence – not hearsay, not gossip, not partisan-motivated lies – that conflicts with Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ sworn testimony, they must produce it or quit assassinating his character so that we can put this matter behind us. The American people deserve far better than the innuendo and falsities Democrats spread in a hyper-partisan effort to impugn the honor and integrity of Jeff Sessions, one of Alabama’s best.”
Congressman Brooks is a candidate for US Senate in this year’s Special Election.
Lathan said, “This draining false ploy by the Democrats to focus on Attorney General Sessions is nothing more than a partisan disruption. The Democrat[ic] Party has lost control and is desperately clawing at anything and everything, in an attempt to distract the American people from what President Trump is accomplishing.”
US Representative Martha Roby (R-Montgomery) said,“I applaud Attorney General Sessions for testifying publicly before the Senate Intelligence Committee. I’m glad he took the opportunity to forcefully defend himself and set the record straight amid unfair partisan attacks. I have always known Attorney General Sessions to be a man of the highest integrity, and he demonstrated that today.”
US Senator Luther Strange (R-Alabama) said, Democrats have accused Jeff Sessions of all kinds of outlandish things without any basis It’s all part of an overall pattern to vilify President Trump and his administration by hurling accusations with very little substance. I couldn’t stand it anymore so I’ve decided to speak up.
US Representative Bradley Byrne (R-Montrose) said: “I am not at all surprised that the Jeff Sessions who testified today was the same Jeff Sessions I have known for almost forty years. He was honest, knowledgeable of the law, direct, and professional. I continue to have complete confidence and trust in him as he serves as our Attorney General.”
Sen. Strange said, “I’ve had the honor and privilege of knowing Jeff Sessions for over 25 years. He’s been a dear friend and a mentor, and there is no finer person in public service than Jeff Sessions. America is very fortunate to have Jeff Sessions at Attorney General. That’s why I’ve started a petition in support of our Attorney General.”
US Representative Mike Rogers (R-Saks) said, ‘The American people heard the truth today. Now it’s time for the liberal media elite and the Democrats to stop their frivolous attacks on President Trump so we can start the people’s work.”
Chairman Lathan said, “The American people deserve better than this. It’s time for Democrats to back away from outrageous stall tactics and let President Trump do what he was elected to do in a historic election, to Make America Great Again.”
Sen. Strange added, “It is a shame that our nation’s business is being put on hold as the Democrats continue their obstructionist tactics. Most Alabamians that I talk to aren’t focused on Putin or Russia or Comey. They care about getting real, common-sense, conservative solutions to our problems.”
Strange is running for Sessions’ old Senate seat in this summer’s Special Elections.
Sessions denies any wrong doing and to this point The Washington Post, The New York Times, CNN, and other news outlets reporting on the Russia-Trump campaign collusion story have yet to bring forward any tangible, verifiable evidence to support all their colorful conjecture.