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Wes Allen running for House District 89

The Alabama Statehouse in Montgomery, Alabama.

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

Tuesday, June 6, 2017, Pike County Probate Judge Wes Allen (R) announced that he will seek the Republican nomination for the District 89 seat in the Alabama House of Representatives, covering Pike County and part of Dale County.

Judge Allen said, , “For eight years, I have had a front row seat to witness the hardworking people of Pike County. The people work hard. They get up every day to make our communities better and we have never lost sight that these are the same hardworking people who fund our government. We never lost sight of the fact that we work for the people. Not the other way around.”

Allen is viewed as one of the most conservative Probate Judges in the State. He said that his goals as a member of the Alabama House of Representatives would be similar to those he held as Probate Judge. He promised to keep true to his conservative principles, to promote accountability within government and to remain accessible to the voters of Dale and Pike Counties.

Allen said, “My philosophy is that government should create an environment in which businesses and entrepreneurs can be successful – an environment where hard work is rewarded and where the American Dream can flourish without undue and unnecessary burdens being imposed by any government agency. Elected officials should be working diligently to find innovative solutions that foster and promote private sector job growth. That is the philosophy we have lived by here in the courthouse.”

Allen claimed in his statement that under his leadership, the Pike County Probate Judge’s office has become a model for modernization, accessibility and fiscal responsibility. Allen has returned budget surpluses from his operations back to the Pike County Commission and has been able to decrease costs to taxpayers by eliminating debit and credit card processing fees.

Allen also implemented programs that made services provided by the Office of the Probate Judge more accessible to rural residents of the County. A satellite office was opened in Brundidge and online services were launched and expanded during his tenure.

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Allen was outspoken in his opposition to same sex marriage.

Judge Allen says that he wants the people of Pike County to view his time as a Probate Judge as one of “transparency, accountability and fairness” and “as someone who never backed down, even in the face of tough opposition.”

Judge Allen and his wife, Cae, have two children. They attend the First Baptist Church of Troy, where he currently serves as Deacon Chairman.

HD 89 is an open seat as Representative Alan Boothe (R from Troy) has announced that he is not seeking reelection.

The Republican primary election will be held on June 5, 2018.


Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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