By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Thursday, June 8, 2017, Alabama Speaker of the House Mac McCutcheon (R-Monrovia) called for prayers for the victims and families of persons involved in a tragic bus accident in Atlanta involving members of Huntsville’s Mount Zion Baptist Church, which is located in McCutcheon’s Legislative district.
Speaker McCutcheon said, in a statement “The Huntsville community is coalescing around the Mount Zion Baptist Church family as transportation to Atlanta is being provided, blocks of hotels rooms are being booked, and local leaders are doing everything possible to aid and assist the relatives and friends of those affected. The Speaker’s Office stands ready to do everything in our power to assist this effort, and we will ensure that Gov. Kay Ivey remains updated on the situation.”
Speaker McCutcheon added, “On a very personal note, I would ask that everyone in Alabama join me in praying for our fellow citizens as the details and after effects of this tragic accident are being sorted out. Ask God to quickly heal those who are injured both physically and emotionally, to provide comfort to those who lost a loved one, and to bring peace to those who were traveling halfway across the globe to selflessly do His work in a foreign land. Let’s also remember the pastors, church leaders, and congregation of Mount Zion Baptist Church as they work to come to terms with this tragic accident.”
Latest reporting from the the Alabama Baptist Newspaper and the Alabama Media Group is that teenager Sarah Harmening was killed in the crash. 38 are injured. Several students have injuries including broken bones. One student is reportedly critically injured.
The group was traveling to Botswana, Africa. The Alabama Baptist Newspaper wrote, “Please pray for Sarah’s family, and the families of all of those injured. Pray for our community in this time of grief.”