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Brinson on African trade mission

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

Monday, May 22, 2017, US Senate candidate Randy Brinson spoke from Africa about his current trade mission and the benefits it will bring to Alabama farmers, agribusiness and related industries.

Brinson left Alabama May 19, on a 10-day trade mission to Zambia as part of his Alabama Agribusiness Renaissance initiative. This is Brinson’s 7th International Trade Mission, and his 4th to Africa, in cooperation with Alabama’s Agriculture Commissioner, John McMillian.

“I’m excited to represent Alabama’s interests in these growing markets. The willingness to accept investments and technology, and the stability of the government of Zambia provides the perfect opportunity for Alabama businesses to open new markets and grow trade,” Brinson said. “This is an opportunity to expand Alabama’s reach and increase our presence in agricultural markets across the globe, particularly in Africa.

“Zambia can quickly benefit from Alabama technology and know-how,” Brinson continued. “Establishing a trade and investment framework will open up not only Zambian markets to Alabama goods, but will allow Alabama farmers and agribusiness access to markets across Africa, the Middle East, India and Asia.”

Brinson is holding meetings with the Zambian Vice-President, the Minister of Agriculture, the Minister of Infrastructure and Trade, and local and tribal leaders across the sub-Saharan country.

Brinson says that his goal is to secure lands with tribal chiefs and establish a framework for Alabama farmers, businesses and agricultural experts to engage their Zambian counterparts. While Brinson has negotiated successful trade agreements with Africa before, this mission aims to create a systematic framework for large-scale investments and trade between Alabama and the Zambians.

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Brinson discussed his mission and his campaign with members of the ALFA farm PAC on Skype.  The Alabama Farmer’s Federation Farm PAC ultimately endorsed Senator Luther Strange.

Brinson says that he will be back in Alabama on May 28th to resume actively campaigning for the US Senate.

Brinson is a businessman and a prominent Montgomery era doctor.  He stepped down as President of the Alabama Christian Coalition in order to run for Senate.

Eleven Republican qualified for the US Senate race. According to the Alabama Republican Party, the following individuals submitted qualifying paperwork to run for the US Senate seat: James Paul Beretta, Joseph F. Breault, Randy Brinson, Mo Brooks, Dom Gentile, Karen Haiden Jackson, Mary Maxwell, Roy Moore, Bryan Peeples, Trip Pittman, and Luther Strange.

Polls show that former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore leads the race early on, followed by Senator Luther Strange.  Strange was appointed to the seat by former Governor Robert Bentley when Sen. Jeff Sessions was confirmed as US Attorney General.

The Special Republican Primary will be on August 15 and the Special General election will be on December 12.


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Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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