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Alabama Farmers Federation endorses Strange

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

Monday, May 22, 2017, The Alabama Farmers Federation announced that Senator Luther Strange (R) has received the endorsement of FarmPAC, their political action committee.

Farmer’s Federation President Jimmy Parnell said in a statement, “Sen. Strange has proven his commitment to Alabama farmers and forest owners by seeking and securing appointment to the Agriculture Committee and continuing the fight against regulatory overreach. Alabama farmers have enjoyed a close working relationship with Sen. Strange, and we look forward to helping him address the needs of rural Alabama as a US senator.”

Senator Strange said, “It’s an honor to receive this endorsement from Alabama Farmers Federation and the Alabamians they represent. These are the hard-working people who clothe us and feed us, create jobs in our communities, and keep our economy thriving. It’s a privilege to be their voice in Washington as I serve on the Agriculture Committee, and I look forward to continuing to defend their rights against federal overreach as we roll-back the job-destroying red tape from the Obama administration.”

Alabama Farmers Federation is the State’s largest farm organization with more than 357,000 member families. Founded in 1921, the organization is a member of the American Farm Bureau Federation and has recently gone in to internet banking.

FarmPAC is the political action committee of the Alabama Farmers Federation.

The FarmPAC advisory trustees recommended the endorsement Monday after hearing presentations from 11 of the 19 candidates seeking the office.

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Parnell said, “Agriculture is Alabama’s number one industry, and it is important to have a senator on the Ag Committee. Sen. Strange will play a pivotal role in the design of the next farm bill and will also be in a strong position to advance other policies that benefit farmers, consumers and Alabama as a whole.”

Sen. Strange is expected to get the majority of the mainstream Republican endorsements. Republican super-strategist Karl Rove said of Strange, “He’s going to be a mainstream conservative Republican. He’s very smart, really hard-working.” Rove controlled PACs have pledged $millions to support Strange.

There are eleven Republicans seeking the GOP nomination. They include: James Paul Beretta, Joseph F. Breault, Randy Brinson, Mo Brooks, Dom Gentile, Karen Haiden Jackson, Mary Maxwell, Roy Moore, Bryan Peeples, Trip Pittman, and Luther Strange. Eight Democrats are running for the office as well.

The Special Primary election for the US Senate seat will take place on August 15, 2017. If necessary, the major party primary runoffs will be on September 26. The General Election will be December 12.

Luther Strange was elected Alabama Attorney General in 2010 and re-elected in 2014. Former Governor Robert Bentley appointed Strange to the Senate when Sen. Jeff Sessions was confirmed as US Attorney General.


Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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