By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Due to the severe weather conditions on Sunday, April 30, across the State today, the Alabama Republican Assembly rescheduled their state meeting to Sunday May 7th at Jim and Nicks Barbecue from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
The Republican Assembly announced, “We will be discussing our strategies for upcoming elections in 2018, and will be holding our officer elections for ALRA President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, Delegates, 1,2,and 3. We will also be discussing whether or not to endorse specific bills currently in the State Legislature – including Constitutional Carry, pro-life bills, etc. We look forward to seeing you.”
President Jennifer Montrose said, “It’s that time of year to renew your membership. If you have let your membership lapse or have never been a member and would like to sign up, please contact us.”
The cost of membership renewal is $20 per person and $30 per couple. Make the checks to: Republican Assembly. Mail dues to: Don Wallace at 527 Main Ave, Suite G; Northport, AL 35476-4418.
The Alabama Republican Assembly is a statewide conservative group that calls itself “the conscience of the Republican Party.”
The special election for US Senate is likely to be a topic of interest given that the Republican Primary is coming up in August.
Senator Luther Strange is running for the office that he was appointed to by former Alabama Governor Robert Bentley (R). State Representative Ed Henry (R-Hartselle), former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court Roy Moore (R), and former Christian Coalition of Alabama President Randy Brinson are all challenging Strange in the special election. There are sources claiming that Senate President Del Marsh (R-Anniston) will enter the race. GOP sources have told The Alabama Political Reporter that politicos out of Washington are warning Republican candidates that there will be career repercussions if they oppose Strange in the Special Election.
Campaigns are also already gearing up for the 2018 elections with three Republican candidates for Governor and two candidates for Attorney General having already announced.
If you are interested in becoming a new member of the Alabama Republican Assembly please contact Jennifer Montrose ( or Don Wallace (
They can email or mail you a copy of their membership application.