By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
There is no more polarizing figure in Alabama Politics than suspended Chief Justice Roy Moore (R). Moore is admired by many in Alabama and despised by many in Alabama; but almost everyone knows who Roy Moore is and has an opinion on the best known jurist in Alabama history…..a strong statement given that Alabama history includes: Howell Heflin, Perry Hooper Sr., and Hugo Black. On Wednesday the Special Supreme Court upheld Moore’s suspension by the Court of the Judiciary.
Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) President Richard Cohen praised the decision in a statement: “Roy Moore’s violation of the Canons of Judicial Ethics was egregious. He got what he deserved. We’ll all be better off without the Ayatollah of Alabama as our Chief Justice.”
The Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel, Mat Staver said in a statement, “This opinion and the entire case against Chief Justice Moore is a tragedy. For the first time in the history of Alabama, a justice has been disciplined for issuing an Administrative Order. Under this system, no judge is safe to issue orders or render dissents. The system has to change, and politics should be removed from judicial decision making and disciplinary actions.”
Equality Alabama said on Twitter in response to the ruling: “Some great news during a difficult time in Montgomery. #NoMooreEver.”
Sanctity of Marriage Alabama posted a statement, “The appeal process is over for Chief Justice Roy Moore. Thanks to “Republicans” like acting Chief Justice Lyn Stuart, Justices Mike Bolin, Jim Main, Judge Mike Joiner, and others, one of Alabama’s most courageous and principled jurists has been ousted, and to make matters worse, their shenanigans are largely under seal so that you can’t know about it. With Republicans like these, who needs liberals?”
Sanctity of Marriage Alabama continued, “Dangerous precedent has been established for Alabama judges in this case. If un-elected bureaucrats on the Judicial Inquiry Commission can break their own rules, insert their judgement for that of the Alabama Supreme Court, and essentially remove an Alabama judge from office for an Administrative Order, without the required votes because they disagree with his beliefs about God, marriage, and the Constitution of the United States, and Republicans do nothing to stop it, we are no longer living in America as we’ve known it. It’s time for Alabamians to put Chief Justice Moore in another office. It’s time for the Judicial Inquiry Commission and the Court of the Judiciary to be obliterated (let’s make it happen Senator Bill Hightower). And, it’s time for a good house cleaning at the Alabama Supreme Court.”
The group, which is allied with Moore, said in another post immediately after the ruling: “Remember that special Supreme Court who was supposed to decide the case of Chief Justice Roy Moore?? Well, they just affirmed the ruling of the kangaroo court and upheld Chief Justice Moore’s unlawful suspension. It’s sad to see spineless cowards in high places. But, thankful we have at least one courageous statesman in the mix. Maybe he’ll be the next Governor of Alabama?”
Longtime Roy Moore aide, Rich Hobson said that he was stunned by the ruling and said that the Special Supreme Court was a one court case composed of retired trial court judges. Hobson said that there was no good reason for the six month delay in the Court issuing its ruling.
One person even posted a death threat against the Chief Justice on his wife’s, Kayla, Facebook Page: “Roy Moore does not have any right whatsoever to be alive. Roy Moore must be killed immediately.” Efforts are underway to identify who that person, who posted as “The People”, is.
Staver argued, “The JIC and the COJ can apparently now violate their own rules and second-guess a judge’s judicial order to remove him from the bench for life. Some people may applaud today’s decision because they oppose Chief Justice Moore. Many will be saddened by this opinion. No one is a winner today. Neither the people of Alabama, and especially its judges, should take comfort. The system needs to be fixed.”