By Twinkle Andress Cavanaugh
During this holiest of weeks, having just celebrated Palm Sunday and with the celebration of Easter just days away, a dark cloud looms above Alabama. Times are tough, but our State has seen its share of challenges in the past. I know that together, with hard work and faith, we will get through this.
The entire State has suffered from this scandal. It has scared away companies looking to build new factories or expand current operations. It has hurt the economy. It has damaged the moral fiber of Alabama.
Brighter days are ahead for Alabama, but obstacles must be honestly confronted and overcome with constructive solutions for us to move on. Governor Bentley has betrayed and abused his faith, his family and staff members, the powers of his office, and the trust of the people of our State. I am relieved to see that he finally did what is right and resigned so Alabama is not focused on his transgressions but instead can focus on getting this chapter behind us.
To anyone who has directly suffered the abuses of our out-of-control Governor, my heart and my prayers go out to you. It is unacceptable for someone in a position of trust and power to abuse it. As a citizen and a public servant, I am appalled at the type of behavior we have seen from the Governor. I appreciate the work of those in the legislature and on the ethics commission who chose to take on this very tough task; thank you for shedding light on this intolerable conduct. We saw officials band together in a bipartisan manner to stamp out this corruption and this should be strongly commended.
I wish Lieutenant Governor Ivey all the best and pray for her strength and success as she prepares to fill the Governor’s office. I am confident that she will ably steer the ship for the rest of this term.
These are dark days. Alabama deserves better. We deserve better. And most of all, our children deserve better. We need to restore ethical and honest leadership back to the Governor’s office. Faith and Alabama values must be restored to our Capitol. The path forward will not be easy, but it will be worth it. Brighter times are ahead. Let’s get to work and begin the healing of our State this week.
The above is the opinion of Twinkle Andress Cavanaugh, the President of the Alabama Public Service Commission. Opinions expressed do not represent the position of the Public Service Commission or its other commissioners. Twinkle was the first woman to be elected and serve as Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party. She is a Christian, a mom, a wife, a conservative, and has been a small business owner.