By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Friday, March 24, 2017, the Republican controlled House of Representatives failed to pass the American Health Care Act after promising supporters that political world is still trying to figure out what this means for healthcare and politics moving forward.
US Representative Martha Roby (R-Montgomery) supported the bill. On Monday, Congresswoman Roby emailed her constituents, “A lot has happened since I last emailed. You’ve probably been following the House of Representatives’ progress to repeal and replace Obamacare. Last week Republicans had a great opportunity to deliver on a promise we’ve made to the American people for seven years. I’m really disappointed that the American Health Care Act (ACHA) was withdrawn and that I did not have a chance to be a voice for the people I serve.”
US Representative Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) was one of the Freedom Caucus members whose opposition killed the bill. On Monday, Congressman Brooks released his own simpler repeal plan. Brooks wrote, “I introduced a simple, two-page bill to achieve a clean repeal of ObamaCare. The recently defeated healthcare proposal to amend ObamaCare left much of the framework of the disastrous law intact and would have resulted in higher premiums for struggling American families. The path forward on health care does not have to include the permanency of ObamaCare. Republicans sent a bill to repeal ObamaCare to the President’s desk in 2015 so the votes are there to deliver on the promise of a full repeal to the American people. I will continue fighting in Congress to find a path forward that will lower premiums, not raise them. Delivering a clean repeal is the best place to start.”
Former Morgan County Commissioner and 2014 GOP gubernatorial candidate Stacy George attacked Brooks. George said, “I just hate to see Congressman Mo Brooks work continuously against President Trump…As a Trump Delegate this last election cycle… I heard over and over Mo Brooks attack Trump before Trump won his election…now it continues…Time for Mo to go…”
George said, “Serving as a Morgan County Commissioner in the 5th. District. I also work and have worked for 30 years in the 5th. District…including 10 years at Wyle Laboratories testing for NASA, Lockheed Martin, Boeing,etc. I also worked 3 years for the Department of Defense with the Amtec Corporation..testing Longbow, Hell fire Missiles, etc. I have also worked in Nuclear Power plants around the United States before I became frustrated with corruption in government..running for Morgan County Commissioner..winning my first run becoming the first GOP Commissioner elected since Reconstruction… With all of that said…I have a lot of vested interest in the 5th. Congressional District of Alabama…I do not want to stand by and let Mo put North Alabama in a bad light because of his HATE for our President…. NASA and Redstone are important to me…there are a lot of jobs at stake in North Alabama…”
Trump Alabama Co-Chairman former state Representative Perry O. Hooper Jr. said, “We have heard excuse after excuse of why Congress did not bring up the Legislation to Repeal and Replace Obamacare. Bottom line is, Congress is controlled by Special Interest Groups, Lobbyist! They listen to them and not us! There is no time better than the present to pass TERM LIMITS! We the People need to help President Trump to ” Drain The Swamp”!”
President Donald J. Trump (R) blamed Brooks and the Freedom Caucus for the failure. Pres. Trump said on Twitter, “The Republican House Freedom Caucus was able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. After so many bad years they were ready for a win!” Pres. Trump added, “Democrats are smiling in DC that the Freedom Caucus, with the help of Club For Growth and Heritage, have saved Planned Parenthood & Ocare!”
US Representative Terri Sewell (D-Selma) is continuing her efrt to defend that Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (Obamcare). Rep. Sewell said, “This is a big deal. Because constituents spoke out, because Americans made their voices heard, Congress will not be passing a healthcare repeal bill. For millions of families, this means keeping access to healthcare.”
Congresswoman Sewell concluded, “My fight to improve our healthcare system isn’t over – I’m still calling on both sides of the aisle to work together to strengthen our healthcare system for ALL Americans.”
Pres. Trump did express optimism for his plan. Trump said on Twitter, “ObamaCare will explode and we will all get together and piece together a great healthcare plan for THE PEOPLE. Do not worry!”