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Sewell continues to defend Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

Republicans are debating voting to repeal and replace the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 in a bill that could come up as soon as Thursday. While most Republican Congressmen favor the American Healthcare Act a conservative faction with the Freedom Caucus argue that the new healthcare law leaves too much of Obamacare in place and are arguing for more of a clean repeal. Meanwhile, US Representative Terri Sewell (D-Selma) continues to argue for what she claims are the benefits of the Affordable Care Act.

Congresswoman Sewell wrote that, “Before Republicans can rush a healthcare repeal bill through the House of Representatives, I believe our constituents have a right to the facts. Americans deserve to know how many people will lose health insurance, how the repeal will affect our seniors, and what the bill means for working families. It’s time to shine a light on TrumpCare. That’s why I’m sharing the facts on social media and in Congress. Take a moment to see my speech on the House floor.”

Rep. Sewell wrote, “Just this month, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office released an analysis of the healthcare repeal bill, exposing increased premiums, cuts to Medicaid, and costly care for older patients. Their report made one thing clear: millions of Americans will lose insurance. Now it’s only a matter of days before the House of Representatives forces a vote on the healthcare repeal bill. Rather than letting the GOP rush this legislation through, I am working to get the word out on how this bill would impact working families.”

Rep. Sewell continued. “Healthcare is a complex issue that impacts every American. So when Congress makes changes to our healthcare system, lawmakers need to take the time to get it right. I have always said, the Affordable Care Act was not a perfect bill. I am willing to work with members on both sides of the aisle to make our health system work for everyone. That’s why I introduced amendments during my committee’s hearing on the bill to protect rural hospitals and access to affordable care for rural families. In a rush to get the health repeal bill out of committee, my colleagues on the other side of the aisle voted them down. I know we can do better.”

Rep. Sewell wrote to constituents, “Over the past couple of months, hundreds of constituents have shared their stories on how the Affordable Care Act impacted their lives. I have heard from mothers, fathers, students, seniors, farmers, and individuals from Montgomery to Birmingham. In an effort to help my colleagues in Congress understand the impact that the repeal bill could have on my district, I’ve shared many of those stories during this debate.”

Rep. Sewell said, “Starting January 1st, thanks to the Affordable Care Act, millions of Americans now have health insurance that they didn’t have access to before and the security and peace of mind that comes with it. I remain committed to the Affordable Care Act which is designed to provide access to health care for all Americans. I believe it is imperative that we provide access to healthcare for the 42 million Americans that are uninsured.”

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Rep. Sewell concluded, “The fact is that millions of American families are already experiencing the benefits and protections of the Affordable Care Act. Please visit the links below to learn more about how individuals, families, and small businesses are benefitting from the Affordable Care Act.”

Rep. Sewell claimed that, “Because of the ACA, 897,000 Alabamians will gain expanded mental health and substance use disorder benefits and Federal parity protections; 2,040,000 Children and Adults in Alabama have pre-existing conditions (267,000 Children); 653,791 Medicare Enrollees in Alabama received free preventive services in 2012; 643,000 uninsured Alabamians are now eligible for insurance under the ACA; 235,000 Alabamians would gain health insurance coverage if the State expands Medicaid; and 1,084,000 privately insured Alabamians have received coverage for one or more free preventive services due to ACA (71,001,000 Americans).

Democrats badly misinterpreted the results of the 2008 election and forced passage of the ACA despite growing protests from the American people in 2010, with President Obama claiming that if you like your plan you can keep your plan (almost nobody’s plan actually survived implementation of the ACA). The miscalculation cost the Democrats control of the House of Representatives that year as well as their Senate Supermajority. Republicans eventually gained control of the US Senate and the presidency promising to repeal and replace Obamacare. Now the Republicans have to pass something and they are likely to take most of the blame if what they pass is seen by the people as a failure.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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