By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Friday, March 17, 2017, Alabama Senator Luther Strange today issued a statement praising the swearing-in of former Senator Dan Coats (R-Indiana) as Director of National Intelligence and confirmation of Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster as National Security Advisor.
Senator Strange said, “Confirming exceptional leaders to guide our national security and intelligence communities is one of the Senate’s most important responsibilities. We live in a dangerous environment of complex threats, and the Director of National Intelligence and National Security Advisor will be ultimately relied on to gather the intelligence and development the policies that will keep us safe.”
Sen. Strange continued, “I continue to be impressed by the way both Senator Coats and General McMaster have conducted themselves through the confirmation process, and I look forward to working with each of them closely in efforts to protect American lives.”
President Donald J. Trump said in a statement that he appreciates the support from both the Senate Armed Services Committee and the full Senate for his nomination of General H.R. McMaster to continue to serve in the United States Army at the rank of Lieutenant General while also serving as his National Security Advisor. General McMaster’s distinguished career has included multiple overseas tours in the service of our country, experiences that will be invaluable as he provides President Trump with advice on the many challenges facing the United States around the globe. The Senate’s broad, bipartisan support for General McMaster affirms that he is the right person for this job.
During his confirmation former senator Dan Coats promised Tuesday to help members of the Senate Intelligence Committee investigate allegations that the Russian government may have attempted to influence the 2016 presidential election if he’s confirmed to be President Trump’s Director of National Intelligence.
Sen. Coats said, “It’s a very key issue that we understand fully what has happened and how it’s happened.”
To this point the investigation into ties between the Russian government and the Trump campaign has uncovered little hard evidence of coordination between the Trump campaign and the Russians; though revelations about contacts between General Michael Flynn led General Flynn to resign from his post as National Security Adviser. AG Jeff Sessions has recused himself from any role into the investigation after there were revelation that he may of withheld his own contacts with the Russian Ambassador from Senators during the confirmation process.
Senator Luther Strange was Alabama Attorney General before his appointment to the Senate by Alabama Governor Robert Bentley.