By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Thursday, March 16th, 2017, will be Pro-Life Legislative Day in Montgomery.
Pro-family activist Hannah Ford said, “So glad to see that Speaker McCutcheon & the AL House Republicans have scheduled Pro-Life Legislative Day for this Thursday, March 16th! Please make the effort to come to Montgomery if at all possible!”
The bills on the House Agenda being debated include an ambitious list of legislation including:
House Bill 98 which is a Constitutional Amendment declaring that Alabama supports the rights of unborn children and does not protect the right to an abortion or require funding of abortion. HB98 is sponsored by Representative Matt Fridy (R).
Rep. Fridy said at a recent event, “When Roe goes abortion goes back to the states. We are going to be ready to do our job and outlaw abortion in Alabama. The womb for women in this state will be the safest place in the world. A lot of people don’t like what we are doing and they are throwing up roadblocks.”
House Bill 96 and Senate Bill 198 which would establish a ban on physician-assisted suicide. This is sponsored by Representative Mack Butler (R-Rainbow City) and Senator Phil Williams (R-Rainbow City).
Senator Phil Williams said on social media, “Rep. Mack Butler and I are once again carrying Pro-Life legislation together. This time we are both sponsoring the Senate and House versions of the Ban on Assisted Suicide Act. The Senate Bill just came out of Committee and we are moving forward!”
House Bill 95 and Senate Bill 185 which would declare it unlawful for any person to discriminate against health care providers for declining to participate in a health care service that violates their conscience, sponsored by Representative Arnold Mooney (R-Indian Springs) and Senator Paul L. Sanford (R-Huntsville).
House Bill 24 and Senate Bill 145, the Alabama Child Placing Inclusion Act, which would protect the religious liberty of faith-based child placing agencies. It is sponsored by Representative Rich Wingo (R-Tuscaloosa) and Senator Bill Hightower (R-Mobile).
Sen. Hightower said at a recent public hearing: 30 percent of children that are placed for adoption go through faith based agencies. Some people say that what I am saying is totally ridiculous, but I want to allow them (the faith based adoption agencies) to continue to prosper. I don’t want to force faith based placing agencies to choose between violating their core beliefs or going out of doing adoptions.
Miss Ford said, “These bills and the fact that we have a day set aside for them is amazing; we need to be as encouraging and supportive as possible for our representatives who face a barrage of opposition by way of phone calls and emails. Our presence Thursday will be a huge encouragement to them to keep pushing for the complete eradication of abortion and the protection of human life in the State of Alabama. Please use hashtag #prolifeAL starting on Thursday morning!”
Speaker Mac McCutcheon (R-Monrovia) and the Republican Caucus have promised to emphasize Pro-Life issues in this Legislative Session.