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Trump supporters rally across the country

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

Saturday, March 4, 2017, thousands of supporters of President Donald J. Trump held rallies in dozens of American cities, including in Berkley, California, where Trump marchers were attacked by a mob of violent leftists. In Hoover the Jefferson County Republican Party, the Alabama Constitutional Conservatives, the Alabama Minority GOP, and Alabama March for Trump held a joint “Spirit of America” rally in the parking lot of Hoover Tactical Firearms.

State Representative Jim Carns (R-Vestavia) told the hundreds gathered there, “The press is wrong. The press was wrong from the very get go. I knew the press was wrong when I went to coffee shops all over Alabama, at the start of the Trump campaign. The press is controlling everything coming out of Washington. Don’t listen to the press.”

Carns said that Donald Trump has used Alabama as a spring board. The Mobile rally in the summer of 2015 was a spring board for the Trump campaign. He followed that with another spring board rally in Birmingham and then again in February of 2016, when Senator Jeff Sessions rode out with the Benghazi veterans to announce their support for Trump.

Alabama Constitutional Conservatives Deanna Frankowski said, “There were a lot of people who worked really hard in their communities to elect Donald Trump, and they are working again for Donald Trump holding sixty to seventy rallies across the country.”

Frankowski said that the State Legislature needs to pass conservative legislation: “We need gun laws passed, we need pro-Life bills passed, and no common core.”

State Senator James T “Jabo” Waggoner (R-Vestavia) said, “If this were the other team you would have had CNN, the National ABC, the National NBC here and we would have been on TV tonight.”

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Sen. Waggoner said, “I have been attending Republican conventions since Ronald Reagan’s campaign in 1980; but when I went to Cleveland (2016) I could feel a movement in the air that I have not felt in recent conventions.”

Waggoner said that his sister has been a poll worker in Curry for years. There, 700 people normally turnout to vote. In November however they had over 2000 people voting. People were sick and tired of what this country has become over the last eight years. People voted who haven’t voted in a long time and some who never voted. This was repeated all over the country.

Sen. Waggoner said “Today we feel a lot better about the direction of our country. Rallies like this is what we needed because the other side they have not gotten over who really won the election and they can’t stand it. Donald Trump is the President of the United States. The other team needs to go home and quit pouting, quit crying, and just accept that Donald Trump is President for the next eight years.”

Jefferson County Constable Johnathan Barbee (R) said, “It is great to be a Trump American. My full time job is a TV producer. I produced Trump’s campaign events in Alabama. For eight years we had people in the White House and the cabinet who were tearing down Law Enforcement. Support Law Enforcement. It is so important that we show Law Enforcement that we stand with them.”

Barbee blasted the left for “What they are doing to Jeff Sessions. America has a great and bright future and lets stick together and make America great again.” Barbee also thanked Hoover City Councilman Gene Smith who “Has graciously allowed us to be here.”

Gene Smith owns Hoover Tactical Firearms.

Clarissa Winchester said that her father immigrated from Yucatan, Mexico legally in the 1960s to get an education at Auburn University. Her sister-in-law was killed by an illegal alien drunk driver on June 18, 2005. He had numerous open warrants including here in Hoover. “Illegal immigration kills Americans far too many times. Because he had a new baby, a longtime girlfriend, and a job at Piggly Wiggly, the Judge ruled he was not a flight risk so was granted bail. And what happened? He fled. He is still out there some place.”

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Winchester said “We support a President who will fight prejudice by restoring order.” Winchester said that she is supporting Trump and his plan and order is being restored. “Trump is not against Hispanics, he is against illegal immigration. Illegal immigration is dangerous because we are telling a segment of the population that the rules don’t apply to you.”

Winchester said that we finally have president who takes the rule of law seriously. “A spirit has been stirred. A movement has been ignited. We were reminded (November) that we have value. We have a place at the table and we will never take a back seat again. The extremist left will do everything in its power to stop you from supporting America. Lets start being proud of being an American again.”

Winchester said, “Be thankful that we have a President who is a leader not a king. A king places his people in bondage. A leader knows that his success is dependent on the success of his people. Thank you for coming out and showing him that you support him as much as he is supporting you.”

Alabama GOP Steering Committee member Tammy Taylor said, “I am from New York and moved to Alabama. I applied for my gun license and I met my husband down here. He was from Uniontown and worked for Alabama Power. I was in college and he said that when we were married I did not have to go to work. It allowed me to be home with my babies. So I was very involved in their school. I began to hear about Common Core. No one wanted to talk about it. What I learned later on is that nobody knew about it. Finally a kindergarten teacher who had been working for about 35 years told me that it was from the pits of hell. I told her I was thinking about home school. She said the Lord is moving you to home school your children. RUN. I am not allowed to do my job. Through my research I learned that Obama was on the same board with a Communist Bill Ayres and the head of McGraw Hill. Common Core was all about the money. I snatched the children out of school.”

Taylor said “The children are being taught that America was made by God beautiful: the rivers, the trails, the mountains. Debating helped us to learn how to think critically. We reconstructed our whole lives to teach American about the country, how beautiful the country is.”

“They are not teaching that in public schools anymore. They are not teaching critical thinking skills. My children are natural born patriots. My children are learning the preamble of the constitution. I have respect for the Constitution. I am Pro-Life. Through this process I learned that I was a Republican.”

The Chairman of the Minority GOP Phillip Brown said, “There are times where we can get very close to winning and then sit down to wait. When we are on the verge of winning, don’t sit down and wait. The media kept saying that Donald Trump could not win. Then on election night, Trump won Florida, then North Carolina, and Ohio then Pennsylvania hen the media finally broke down and said that Donald Trump is the 45th President of the United States. They have brought these bogus charges against our President. They have attacked his cabinet choices. We are on the dawn of victory but we have not gotten there. We can not sit down yet. We need a Supreme Court Justice seated. We can not sit down until he sits down. We can not sit down until we have some real healthcare reform. We can not sit down until we have some real solutions for the crime in our cities. We cannot sit down until every American who wants a job has a job and it is not stolen by an illegal alien. We can’t sit down until we build the wall.”

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Kathleen Wilson-Gray who led the Alabama March for the Trump rally in Birmingham after the Hoover event. “We have marches planned all over the country. We have a march in Berkley today. Pray for them. They have received death threats. They have been threatened with Molotov cocktails. Please pray for Minnesota. Pray for the Trump marchers in New York.”

Wilson-Gray said, “Do not stop watching the truthful news. Listen to Breitbart. We want to unite. We are not going to confront anyone. We are not going to commit violence. Tell the racists and the haters to go away. We don’t need you here.”


Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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