By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Tuesday, February 28, 2017, US President Donald J. Trump addressed a joint session of Congress. Most of Alabama’s congressional delegation praised the President afterwards for his performance which was televised nationally.
US Senator Richard Shelby (R from Alabama) said in a statement, “In tonight’s address, President Trump laid out his vision for the nation and reiterated his commitment to ensuring that the American people have the opportunity to succeed. His remarks were a refreshing change from the last eight years, and I look forward to working with him on the many priorities discussed.”
Sen. Shelby added, “In particular, I stand ready to work with the President on overhauling our broken tax code, rolling back burdensome rules and regulations, and getting Washington out of the way so that Americans can get back to work. It’s time for us to deliver on our promises for the American people.”
US Senator Luther Strange (R-Alabama) released the following statement: “It was truly an honor to be part of this historical moment. Like the millions of Americans who voted for real change in Washington, I found it refreshing to hear from a President who is keeping the promises he made to Americans when he ran for office. Just as he said, he is already taking steps to secure our border, repeal Obamacare and rebuild our military. I am even more encouraged after hearing the President share plans to reform our complicated tax code to allow Alabama families to keep more of their hard-earned money, and roll back bureaucratic red tape that is an unnecessary burden to Alabama small businesses. His cabinet nominees show his commitment to protecting our constitutional rights, caring for our Veterans and ensuring a quality education for every child, regardless of their zip code. This is an exciting time in America and I know that Alabamians are optimistic and ready to dream big for the first time, in a long time. It is truly an honor to serve in the Senate and help our President ensure all Americans have the opportunity to make our future a brighter one.”
US Representative Martha Roby (R-Montgomery) said, “Tonight President Trump laid out several ways his administration and Congress can work together to rebuild our nation. I am particularly encouraged by his calls to properly fund our military, improve veterans’ health care, and secure our border. These are issues important to the Alabamians I represent, and I look forward to working with the Trump Administration to deliver results.”
US Representative Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) said in a statement, “I enjoyed the optimistic tone of President Trump’s speech this evening and his message of unity and strength across America. I was pleased the President tonight addressed restarting the engine of the American economy and removing burdensome regulations that have made it so difficult to start and grow a business in America.”
Rep. Brooks continued, “President Trump has already taken strong steps to secure the border and enforce our nation’s immigration laws, and I applaud his continued commitment to the rule of law and national security. I look forward to working with my colleagues in Congress to support President Trump’s bold vision for our nation.”
US Representative Bradley Byrne (R-Montrose) said in a statement: “President Trump came before Congress tonight with a clear plan for action on behalf of the American people. From health care to immigration to national defense to infrastructure, the President laid out a clear agenda that will spur economic growth, keep the American people safe, get the government off our backs, and expand opportunity.”
Rep. Byrne added, “I stand committed and ready to get to work on enacting these policies. The American people spoke clearly last November when they elected a unified Republican government, and now it is time for action.”
US Representative Mike Rogers (R-Saks) said, “I was thrilled to hear President Trump lay out his optimistic vision for America’s future. We now have a president that is determined to work on the behalf of the American people first.”
Rep. Rogers said, “President Trump’s dedication to enforcing our country’s immigration laws is critical to our safety and economy. For far too long, the executive branch has turned a blind eye to folks who are here in the country illegally and therefore, breaking the law. With Attorney General Sessions, the laws on the books will be enforced and the safety of our communities will be the highest priority,” Rogers said.
Rogers added, “I am extremely grateful for President Trump’s pledge to increase investment in our national defense. To fully rebuild our military from the neglect of the Obama administration will require an extraordinary commitment. We must invest the amount of funding necessary to make our military the greatest force on Earth. This massive investment is a national priority and must be viewed as a unique effort outside of the annual grind of the appropriations process. Providing for our national defense is a constitutional requirement. Unfortunately, initial reports of the 2018 defense budget numbers from the Office of Management and Budget will not ensure military readiness. But as a member of the House Armed Services Committee, I look forward to working closely with Secretary Mattis to increase the budget commitment to our national defense, and help achieve President Trump’s goal of making our military great again.”
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) said, “That was a home run. President Trump delivered a bold, optimistic message to the American people. We now have a government unified around a simple, but important principle: Empowering the people—not Washington—is the way to build a better future for our country.”
The real test of Trump’s vision will be in how much of his agenda he can advance through Congress or administratively in the weeks ahead.

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