By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Monday, February 27, 2017, the Federal Bureau of Investigation announced that they are investigating the string of threats made against Jewish Community Centers across the country, including in Birmingham.
FBI Spokesman Paul E Daymond said in a statement, “The FBI and the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division are investigating possible civil rights violations in connection with threats to Jewish Community Centers across the country. The FBI will collect all available facts and evidence, and will ensure this matter is investigated in a fair, thorough, and impartial manner. As this matter is ongoing, we are not able to comment further at this time.”
On Saturday, February 25, 2017 Congressman Gary Palmer (R-Hoover) said that he was deeply concerned about recent bomb threats that had been called in to Jewish community centers and that he has discussed the threats with his Jewish neighbor, who is understandably concerned.
Dozens of Jewish Community Centers across the country have received similar threats.
Rep. Palmer said that the threats are organized and coordinated. Palmer said that the terroristic threats were the purview of the Homeland Security Department and the FBI and promised that once he is back in Washington his office would make sure that those agencies were devoting their efforts into investigating the threats, which he felt they were already doing.
On Monday, February 27, 2017 President Donald J. Trump (R) said, “We have to fight bigotry, intolerance and hatred in all of its very ugly forms. The anti-Semitic threats targeting our Jewish community and community centers are horrible and are painful, and a very sad reminder of the work that still must be done to root out hate and prejudice and evil.”

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